Hi Lou Lou,
So pleased you have met the others,big step for them having to meet such a little fighter,so now you also know what a MC is,very special we are from what I can make out, cor you have got very long back legs,aren't you lucky,mine are a bit short but I do have super furry trousers. Did all them others empty the food tray, hope you got your fair share,I am sure you did,i bet by the time you meet your new friend Buddy you will be a very big beautiful tortie MC,have to use that again now you know it means its you.
I didn't have a very good start to my day,got bundled into a carrier & taken to the vets where mum works for my annual booster,it was Uncle Ken on today & I do like him because he doesn't put the thermometer up that very personal place,he checked my heart gave me a cuddle then put that unmentionable thing into my neck which was fine,then had another cuddle & as I was so good I was allowed to sit on the side & watch the others,it was good when bruv Bruce was seen he also had to have this chiro stuff done,the poor old boy has been a bit stiff the last few days & when Uncle Ken started doing things to his back you just kept hearing these popping noises but at the end Bruce looked a lot happier & he came home & jumped straight up into his bed so I am just hoping he is going to be a happier big bruv again now. Think I might have the same trouble with him as you did that Deuce,as you say no manners,who do they think they are,you just start practicing the right {or left}paw hook,that soon makes them stop & think,they wonder how such a little parcel can pack such a hefty punch.
Well my mum says it is time for her to relax with a glass of something special,whatever that is, does seem to put her into a mellow mood though so had better go now.
Love & purrs to you & your friends,plus Buddy {hope he has had the same sunny day as us just down the road}
Pansy,pin cushion,P x
Hi LouLou, Pansy P etc.
Sorry I haven't been around for a couple of days. We have had some very sad news about Alfie and are both very upset about it.
Anyway, loving the picture updates. You will soon make friends with the other kitties. Hint for feeding time - get to the tray first and stay there. Hooking some meat off the tray and hiding it under your belly is good too.
I don''t mind the smell of other kitties on you LouLou; I am being "socialised" now but not sure what the means, but I get to play with other cats so it must be good.
Pansy we did have great weather yesterday so I got to top up my suntan.
Love and Purrs
Buddy xx
Hi Buddy and Pansy P,
I have snuck in the office to write this I am in the DOG house... not sure what this means yet I will have to try this tool GOOGLE!! but anyway I disgraced my self and I am now being RETRAINED... along with my sister... we pooped not in the tray... and when the human Debbie moved the tray to were we pooped we pooped somewhere else... I was un ceremoniously I might add !! along with my sister removed from the play pen and placed with my sister Sapphire in another room on our own its quieter, but I am missing my friends.. Not sure what I will have to do to get out of this dog house but hope it will not take long.. THEY kept picking us up and popping us in the tray... but NOT sure why exactly, they brought our tray we are used too and popped us in that but that nice corner near the door smelt sooooo nice and Sapphire liked the nice blue blanket!! she thinks we got spooked or stressed, but I do not think so... WE did enjoy it... but for the moment its come to a little stop!!
OH NO I hear her coming
signing off for now Lou Lou x
Hi Lou Lou,
So sorry I can't write too much at the moment for some reason when my mum read your post she got such a fit of the giggles she had to go & get a tissue to wipe her eyes,I can't see what is funny because I too had a time when as you put it I was in the dog house,kept using a corner in the corridor & the time it was a bit runny & went through the slats oopps big trouble so I had to go for retraining too,also not nice because that meant me banned to my bedroon during the day on my own,wonder why they call it dog house because I always thought that was a different species to us,I think we are way above them,I know instead of trying to use that google thing why not ask big bruv Buddy I am sure he knows a lot more than us,I don't like to ask my bruvs anything because it gives them big paws but your new bruv is sure to want to impress. Well think mum has got over the giggles now,you should have seen her,laughing that much on a monday morning thats the way to go,she is now going to get the feeding tray piled up before she goes off to work to earn the pennies to keep us,or so she says.
Purrs all round to you,Buddy & all other furry friends.
Pansy P x
Hi Guys,
I don't know what a "dog House" is either, but I tend to be in it a lot. It's when the slave gets the hump with me and says I've been a bad kitty and then refuses to cuddle me and keeps giving me that look. Mummy was laughing about your little poop mishap; using the tray all the time gets boring, its no fun if they know where its going to be every time. I'm being fussy now only pooping in the outdoor one not the indoor one. You can't win, she used to complain about the smell and now she complains about having to get out of bed at 4am to let me out. She even asked me if I was reading the paper the other morning as I'd been in my litterbox so long (I was terrorizing a spider but don't her sshhh). The slave says we might have to expect some accidents when you get here; your long journey and then we gotta get used to sharing the boxes. Mummy says she might just buy a separate one for you from the start and I saw her looking at a pink glittery one on the internet thingy.
You seem to be getting prettier.
I agree with Pansy P you need to learn a left hook to deal with them other kitties, but please forget how to use it on the boat on the big Journey.
Must go and look innocent before someone comes in.
Hugs and purrs
Buddy xx
psst!!! Buddy.. and Pansy p....
Just heskaped, from the god house, google says i got to go to whiskeypedia, me thinks thats it... it says dog house is ''The idiom 'In the doghouse/Land yourself in the doghouse' means out of favour and in trouble with a person/people because of an offence/caused upset, for example for a husband who is figuratively sent to the doghouse in the same way that a dog is removed from the human habitation. This is the principal usage of the expression dog house in British English'''
I still has no clue now I have to look up offence, husband, & figaratively.. toooooo much work... but I is still in it...
I and big sis have used the tray purrfect, and she said so... GOOD girls well done sometimes I think she is a little gone in the head if you know what I mean... BUT we is still in this dog house... so we shall have to see for how long! ???
Oh no she is coming this is Lou Lou signing off for now, though she has another name for me now she knows I am missing woops.... but I can not spell that one
Hi my friends...
Its been a bit of a sad day in this house today, the humans have not been happy at all, we do not know why, I and my sister are still in the dog house, but I have a feeling we may get out of this dog house this weekend?
Apparently there is good news too something about a passport thingy, from January first, so i might be going to meet my new brother quicker than I think!! better get that food bowl ready Buddy
She has not been pointing that flash silver thing much these days maybe tomorrow she might take a flash of little pretty me??
okay dokey speak to you all soon purrs Lou Lou xx
Hi Lou LOu,
Your new mate Buddy is going to be very impressed with his new sister you are soooo clever finding out what being in "the dog house " means,my head is still trying to get round it all. I had a bad day yesterday & had to sleep with mum last night just in case of any problems,don't think there were though cus I heard her telling dad this morning that everyone slept like logs except her,now I thought logs went on fires but apparently they go to bed too,she is a bit niggly this morning as she has to work & reckons she already feels cream crackered,well brekkie time so mum can be gone,smile at that silver thing if it comes around & let buddy see what a super girl is soon going to be joining him,bet he is getting excited.....
Lots of purrs & furry cuddles to you all
Pansy Pxxxx
That is great news LouLou *moves my bowl to make room for yours* Pansy P I hope your feeling better now.
I'm getting confused about this whole doghouse thing now; and just dogs. I heard Slave and the teenage human talking about getting a dog :O The Slave looked on your Mama's facebook LouLou and says you will already have met a dog, so should be ok with it. The Slave says that she is not sure yet whether to get a dog now or wait til after you have settled in first. I think the dog might be to put the teenage human off the scent that there is another kitty coming to live here but thats our secret.
Did someone mention food? I need to go investigate the kitchen. Slave is getting me to eat some cooked meat now so its not a shock if I accidently eat some of yours LouLou. I got steamed chicken for breakfast. It was nice but I didn't want to try it at first.
Anyway the kitchen and mayhem call. Speak soon
Luve and purrs
Buddy xxxxxx
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The Brothers
The brothers have had a photo session today and now the camera is dead she says, but then I did go for a little wander all around the house took her 20 minutes to catch me te he.. The human is out in a place called Deventer, meeting someone with one of my brothers.... seems she likes to see us all nice and tucked up in our new homes...
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