A day in the life of Tabasco Kat AKA Louedes - Lou Lou
Today I went to the vets with my brothers and my half sisters and brothers..
I decided that I did not like the sharp pointy thing that the nice lady stuck in my neck so I bit her !!! and she screamed she was not expecting it at all as my brothers and sister behaved them selves but not me!!! :satisfied:
They !! that is Debbie the Vet lady, Amber and the NEW guy!! discussed me like I was not there:smile: HOW dare they... saying I was a typical tortie.. I might be small, but NO ONE is sticking a sharp pointy thing in me again!! and I am very very proud to be a tortie.. THANKYOU very much.
I came home after a stop off at the supermarket by my driver her name is Debbie and I was treated to a wonderful super of fresh steamed chicken, cold fresh water and these new biscuits she has insisted on putting us on!! another day in my life..
Tomorrow is another day! Apparently I will be moving on Sunday if I have no reactions to the vaccines, and I will meet some new play friends... Aramis, Morgana and Equinox the Abyssinians, Deuce, Draco and Donatessa the British, coming with me will be my half sister who my mum has not named yet but it all sound like fun!
I will let you know..
Hope you like my story lots of love from Germany Lou Lou x
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My Brother Eclipse Touch of Triumph
Here is my crazy brother sooo greedy he is and such a bully but I love him
Lourdes xx:smile:
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Another brother of mine Eclipse Trophonius
He is a real pain in the butt always bitting my ears off... but he is still my brother
Lourdes xx:smile:
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Another brother Eclipse Tango Foxtrot
Now this boy is a real purr box always trying to beat me for attention... naughty boy!
Lourdes xx
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Goh I did not realise I had so many lol!! My brother Eclipse Two Good Reasons
Here is my naughty brother this guy always gets us in to trouble he knocks the water over and lies somewhere else and we get the blame... grrr
Lourdes xxx
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My final full brother Eclipse Temper Tantrum
His name suits him, if he does not get to the food first boy does he throw a wobbly!!
Lourdes x
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Now fo my half brothers and sister First my brother Eclipse Under Oath
He is a really sweetie and mum says he looks so much like his mama... I thinks so too!
Lourdes x
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My second half brother... Eclipse Ultimate Risk
He is so cute and a very laid back easy brother we do spend so much time together!:smile:
Lourdes x
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And Finally my half sister Eclipse Unstoppable
Sapphire will be staying here with the humans, and so she will keep me company for the next few months.. she is rather beautiful but not as pretty as me!!:smile:
Lourdes x