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Thread: Toilet cuddles?

  1. #1
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    Toilet cuddles?

    Well... I'm happy (or not so happy) to report one week into Leo coming to live in his new home and he has now joined my other 2 cats and follows me into the bathroom for cuddles every time I go.

    Should be interesting when he's 1mtr long and close to 10kgs.

    I'd like to know what causes cats to fight over you lap while you are in the bathroom. It stumps me!

    If I refuse lap access then I get cats on the sink, cats on the cupboard, cats on the window sill (I have a shared bathroom/toilet, it's huge).

    P.s. Closing the door does more harm than good (1) to the door with the cats scratching it and (2) the cats meow so loud that I'm worried the neighbours will think I'm hurting them haha

    I'm interested to know what actions others have taken to keep cats out of the bathroom.

    I'm thinking I just put up with the scratching and torture sounding meows.

  2. #2
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    Sorry, I can’t be of much help here. We have a bathroom/toilet that cannot be closed at all… there’s no door. (Don’t ask – the layout of our house is weird, lol.) So there are often 1 or more Coons following me into the bathroom, sitting in the sink, on top of the laundry hamper, in the bathtub, rolling on the rug, attacking the shower curtain, wanting my attention when I’m on the loo, etc. I don't mind really... rather enjoy the company.

  3. #3
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    All my 3 want to sit and fall asleep in my lap. When they are denied they hang around my feet and play fight with eachother until I leave the bathroom. It's ok when you've got time to sit there (which is never) but I don't see why they can't fight over my lap when I'm watching tv or something. It's weird.

    I wonder what it is about a bathroom that makes cats be so loving haha.

    Oh geez, I haven't had them IN the sink yet. Although my little one ended up in the clean bathroom waste paper basket today. I'd washed it, it was on my bathroom floor waiting for a plastic bag and mr 13 weeks jumped in there and rolled around like crazy. Yuk! Bin boy!!!
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  4. #4
    Cool Cat
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    Our Storm loved to cuddle with us in the bathroom while we were sitting there in the morning. No other time of day would he care to join us in the bathroom. We stopped allowing bathroom access in the morning after he kept us in there too long. We worried we'd be late for work. So we just shut the door. He would meow, scratch the door, and pull the door back and forth in the door frame which created a loud banging sound. Ugh! After about 2 weeks he stopped the habit of joining us in there as he realized we were not going to allow him in. Of course we still kept the door open in the afternoons and evenings, but he had no interest in those times. Now our new little guy Whiskey loves to get on the sink which is right next to the toilet. He will lick the inside of the sink looking for water. He doesn't cuddle with us while we're in there, but he wants to be in there with us the entire time.
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  5. #5
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    So persistence is the key! 2 weeks??? Ohhh boy haha.

    It's funny, you open the door after they've been meowing and scratching and they look at you and run off in the other direction to play/eat/whatever cuz they know you are done in there.
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  6. #6
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    Buddy loves his bathroom cuddles. When I start to get out of bed in the morning he is off like a flash and warming the seat. Attempting to outwit him and sneak to the downstairs loo result in 25lb of ginger fur trying to knock you down the stairs to beat you there. Attempting to shut him out of the room results in him leaping onto the top of the door and laying down. Anything that should have water in it is not safe when his lordship decides he is sleepy - sinks, bath, shower, mop bucket. He also has an annoying habit of pinching the loo roll if you ignore him.

    Be thankful they haven't started sharing your bath yet!

  7. #7
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    It must be the norm, my guys follow me to the loo, Max & George insist I turn the cold tap on in the sink so they can have a drink, Issy just waits at my feet.
    At present the 2 boys are out in the run and Issy is inside, so I have put the litter tray in the downstairs loo behind the door, shall see if they like it there.
    These cats really do have us human weighed up.

  8. #8
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    When Samantha was young and we lived in an apartment, when I was on the throne that was the time for "Mouse Ball" The throne was right across from the bathroom door and across the hall was the kitchen.
    Samantha would bring me a rattle mouse and I'd try to toss it passed her, this was almost impossible as she was extremely quick and agile and could leap high into the air and snag the mouse by a single claw.
    I used to call her my Golden Retriever my ex would scoff, Golden Retriever's are friendly and I'd laugh, women jealous over a cat, who'd have thunk it.
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  9. #9
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    Ahh, well I have one in the sink and then one either in the bath, trying to squeeze into the sink with the other or trying to get on my lap, to which if she fails, then she sits behind my feet! See attached for Moto who usually gets to the sink first! It's just a case of getting used to not peeing alone, I'm afraid! :-)

    Toilet cuddles?-moto-sink-1.jpgToilet cuddles?-moto-sink-2.jpg
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoshisMum View Post
    Ahh, well I have one in the sink and then one either in the bath, trying to squeeze into the sink with the other or trying to get on my lap, to which if she fails, then she sits behind my feet! See attached for Moto who usually gets to the sink first! It's just a case of getting used to not peeing alone, I'm afraid! :-)

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	3958

    Haha would you like some sink with that kitty? Holy moly, I am hoping I have kitties that stay away from inside of the sink. My older two aren't inside of the sink lovers but little bubba Leo is yet to show his love/hate of the sink because (thankfully) he can't jump that high yet haha
    MoshisMum likes this.


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