3 Attachment(s)
Could Squid be a Maine Coon?
Hi Everyone,
We have this cat named Squid. We got him from the RSPCA at 5 months old approx 4 years ago. I can honestly say I have never had a cat like him.
We always assumed he had a bit of persian in him cause he was so big, but a few people have said to me that they thought he may have Maine Coon in him. I thought I'd post a bit of info here about his personality & a couple of pics as you guys might recognise something.
Firstly his name is Squid because he likes to play in water. He smacks it, drinks it off his paw and generally likes to paddle. He is a large boy at his last Vet visit was 7 kgs but the Vet said he wasn't overweight he was just a very big cat. He appears to be slightly larger now so possibly has made 8 kgs.
Squid to us, has been like a little dog. If we go for a walk, he follows, if we go down the backyard, he follows, if we get into the car, he wants to get in. A lot of the time you still think he is a kitten with some of the antics he does & racing madly around the house & at other times he is like a big lump & happily sleeping for hours on his favourite chair. We recently rescued a Blue Cattle Dog & before long Squid was chasing him around the house, jumping out from behind bushes at him & trying to get his toys.
The other things is that he doesn't really meow as in like other cats, he can but he always has this little kind of meow hum thing funny sound he makes & my husband reckons he has taught him to say hello lol.
Anyway, regardless of what he is, he is delightful but here are a couple of pics. As you can see he has quite a mane on him & his tail is
so bushy it reminds me of a fox! Attachment 4151Attachment 4152Attachment 4153
Maybe i might get him DNA tested to check.