Buxton & Frisco growing,, Growing, YIKES!!!
Buxton & Frisco, our 6 month old polydactyls just returned home from the vetrinarian after being neutered. They are both close to 10 pounds, 9.3 & 9.5 respectively. Our vet is amazed at how they are growing... as big right now as a normal adult cat and they still have their paws and ears to grow into:) But, they are happy & healthy and mischievous as only Maines can be:winkwink: Both are very talkative and I think their vocabulary grows by the day... We have a mockingbird in our area and they mimic it which irritates the bird to no extent. It is amusing in the morning to hear the conversation between them. Will try and get some new pictures if I can get them to sit still without showing their butts for the world to see.:smile: