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Thread: Pouncing on Head

  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    Pouncing on Head

    While we humans are sleeping, my 6 month old coon loves to spring out of nowhere, land on your head, chew your nose, ears, & mouth. What's up with that? He begins this routine about 1 hour before we have to get up in the morning. Can't wait to get it on video. Of course we never have the camera ready when he does this.

  2. #2
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    "How sweet..." for the first two times, then it starts to get "arrrrgh!" :P

  3. #3
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    My 4 1/2 month old has a morning/night routine where he will come snuggle under the blanket with you and meow at you. You then have to put your face right near his body and give him a few smooches. He will then move right up near your face, snuggle right in, purr and then move in for a kiss (or so you think) but instead take a good old chomp out of your nose or chin. You pull away, give him a kiss or say ouch, put your head back down and CHOMP!!! This goes on for a little while longer until he falls asleep, walks away or you move your head out of his chomp zone. Cheeky bugger!!!
    Peter Galbavy and CatsMom like this.

  4. #4
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    That sounds like a subtle cooonie hint of feed me!!!! Hector starts his bedroom patrol before the alarm goes off in a morning, you end up trying to turn his head off when the alarm goes off!!!
    Peter Galbavy and CatsMom like this.

  5. #5
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helen & John View Post
    That sounds like a subtle cooonie hint of feed me!!!! Hector starts his bedroom patrol before the alarm goes off in a morning, you end up trying to turn his head off when the alarm goes off!!!
    We've done that too while trying to hit the snooze button. We really have a giggle when he pounces on our heads, chomps away, then pounes right back off the bed. I'd love to have his energy in the mornings.
    Peter Galbavy likes this.

  6. #6
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    This morning I awoke with 4 puncture wounds in my forehead from Raggles 3-00am attack!
    He attacks at least one of us every night, but it is just me he bites and he is not gentle with it either......

  7. #7
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    It may sound harsh, but after a week or so of Mufasa's nightime antics when he first arrived and after he had woken all of us up numerous times every night, there was nothing to do but separate him and put him in the kitchen at night. He seems to be quite happy in there, he has his own armchair, scratching post, toys, big conservatory windows for nightime garden viewing etc. In fact the kitchen is technically 3 rooms so we call it his boudoir and the utility room with the litter tray his ensuite. Each night now when he feels it's time, he retires to his boudoir under his own steam and we simply say good night and shut the door. A few weeks ago I did leave the door open so that he could come upstairs if he wanted but he woke us all up again wailing and thundering around.
    Howlinbob likes this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fozzie View Post
    It may sound harsh, but after a week or so of Mufasa's nightime antics when he first arrived and after he had woken all of us up numerous times every night, there was nothing to do but separate him and put him in the kitchen at night. He seems to be quite happy in there, he has his own armchair, scratching post, toys, big conservatory windows for nightime garden viewing etc. In fact the kitchen is technically 3 rooms so we call it his boudoir and the utility room with the litter tray his ensuite. Each night now when he feels it's time, he retires to his boudoir under his own steam and we simply say good night and shut the door. A few weeks ago I did leave the door open so that he could come upstairs if he wanted but he woke us all up again wailing and thundering around.
    I don't think it sounds harsh. Sometimes you really need to get a good night's sleep, and as adorable as our cats are, they do have a habit of keeping you awake. If Kenny comes into our bedroom he starts off on the bed, then jumps up on the window cill, but everytime one of us turns over in bed he jumps down again and starts meowing at us as if to say "Come on you must be awake now to play with me".
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fozzie View Post
    It may sound harsh, but after a week or so of Mufasa's nightime antics when he first arrived and after he had woken all of us up numerous times every night, there was nothing to do but separate him and put him in the kitchen at night. He seems to be quite happy in there, he has his own armchair, scratching post, toys, big conservatory windows for nightime garden viewing etc. In fact the kitchen is technically 3 rooms so we call it his boudoir and the utility room with the litter tray his ensuite. Each night now when he feels it's time, he retires to his boudoir under his own steam and we simply say good night and shut the door. A few weeks ago I did leave the door open so that he could come upstairs if he wanted but he woke us all up again wailing and thundering around.
    I also agree with the not being harsh,animals are like children & should know & respect their place as much as I love them,daughter would never have been allowed into our bedroom & although animals come in for their cuddles they are not allowed to sleep there either,unless they are poorly & then they don't feel like pouncing anyway.In the early days our dogs & moggies slept in the kitchen but when we extended to give us a room for hubby to keep his drums & guitars etc in {got fed up with sharing the dining room with them}we doubled it up for the animals bedroom as well.We had friends stay last night & they got great amusement seeing our lot line up outside the utility room door while I prepared supper & then open the door to the room in they troop to their respective feeding stations,a goodnight cuddle all round door shut peace reigns,good nights sleep all round...!
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  10. #10
    Elite Cat
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    When my 2 y.o. girls were little they never pounced on us. i wanted them to sleep in the same bed with us to cuddle, and they did, but they preferred to
    lie at the feet level where they had more space. I could never make them sleep close to the pillows. Then at age 1.5 y.o. they suddenly decided that they are
    no longer teens and stopped coming to bed with us. We have 2 extra beds and 5 couches for them to sleep but they choose their own kitty beds for night time.
    I agree, cats need to be discouraged from pouncing as early as possible although it is harder to do with male cats who are more driven to hunt.


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