Ok little recap - my friend has the rescued mum who then gave birth to 5 kittens ( one stillborn sadly and sadly another died) but the other 3 doing amazing!
However - mum was in poor condition when we rescued her, we also took a nearly dead rabbit ( whos fine now and living with me) another female cat and mummy cats son Brian - who i fell in love with and he came to live with me and the other 4 cats! Anyway we also think Brian sadly is th ekittens dads - so wrong but i can guarentee we wont be letting that happen again brians had the snip and mumma cat gets done soon as is right!
anyways - little ernie the kittens coming home next week, but the female kitten is crosseyed - when she was tiny it was clear something wasnt right but looked liked her eye was too small - but its now very obvious shes crosseyed, weve been told if she had head tremors with the crosseyes then it would be a sign of brain problems but thankfully no tremors just the crosseyes - but vvets advice is shes either a housecat or lives somewhere she cant access a road with safe secure garden...........yep you know whats coming right - i have just that safe secure garden so she comes home with ernie next week ( dont worry both will be neutered asap!!) she needs a name - i like human names as all my other cats have human names - but i wanted something that rhymed with ernie ( not bernie) so kinda open to suggestions?? So excited to bring them home gonna be weird having house cats - mine all live in my little conservatory bit and have free access to come and go as they please - these wont go out till they are neutered.
and pics here ya go!!
little miss crosseyed!! her eyes dont look to bad there but believe it or not shes looking at me - or trying to !!
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little ernie
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