It was a very busy time in the household with lots of visitors so after lots of play & cuddle time Ruby took refuge in the hammock to watch from above & once everyone had gone the best place is......???
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It was a very busy time in the household with lots of visitors so after lots of play & cuddle time Ruby took refuge in the hammock to watch from above & once everyone had gone the best place is......???
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Poor Ruby Blue,only seem to be able to get photos of her at the moment when she is tired of playing & just flops out,one of the cats xmas presents was a new laser toy,great fun as instead of having to stand & move the light yourself you just stand it on a table set it going & leave the cats to chase the red spot up & down the hall so with that & the toy basket a little girl is being kept very busy.
She has had a weigh in & at 14.5wks she is 5lbs think that is about 2.6kg,she was weighed on home scales but checked her weight after vets last weigh in to compare & she weighed the same here as up there so hopefully pretty accurate,she has just had a bit of a growing spurt & at the moment is looking a bit leggy as well as a scruff bag,don't think I have ever had a babe whose coat looks quite so untidly shaggy but luckily she is happy to let you groom her,just doesn't seem to help. We all luv her though,Welly has got a very good partner in crime he has already learnt that if they go somewhere they shouldn't he just moves out of the way & lets her take the wrap which is good for Shimba as it was normally him & Shimba makes sure she is kept clean behind the ears,a very responsible job for big bruv,she coped very well with the extra cats that stayed here over xmas & was also unfazed by daughters golden retriever which was here for a couple of days on "visiting rights"so think we have got a very relaxed girlie....!
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Just found out that her sister who is only leaving the breeder today is another 3ozs heavier than Ruby & they were identical at vaccs but breeder said they tend to slow up in the first week of leaving & then take off again so hopefully she will catch up. I am not sure if Shimbas meticulous grooming her really helps with such a waywood mess of a coat,she always seems to have a duck tail quiff on top of her head when he is finished but it is lovely to see isn't it the friendship bond just melts you....x
PS Just checked under coat,can't find any extras Candes...!
Her dad is a very big lad in fact he never looked like a kitten as he was so big he topped 9kg by the time he was a year old so don't know what he is now although he has done a lot of growing this last year so most probaly weight could be the 10kgish+ but he is not 2 yet,her mum I am not sure weight wise but she is a lovely tall lean looking girl & her dad is the same one as my two boys so there is size from there too,if Ruby ends up like my Bruce I will be more than happy I do luv that tall long lean bendy look,exciting isn't it watching them mature & wondering what they will end up like,the two boys especially Shimba seem to grow up too quickly so am going to make the most of Ruby...x
Today Ruby bravely followed her bruvs out into the garden & spent nearly 20mins exploring,don't know where bruv Shims put his head but he would have been great for a halloween fancy dress party,just hope that little Miss doesn't find that spot...!
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Wow - she has grown so much! What a totally gorgeous little (well not that little!) lady :smile:
No stopping her now as soon as the patio door starts to open she is off out exploring but have found out it is the quickest way of getting her to tire out,life is very
peaceful when she comes back in. She is coming up to work tomorrow evening for a weigh in,at the moment she seems very lean but already I can't believe how leggy she has gone & as to only coming up to three weeks of being here that has to be a no no,feels like she has been here for ever.
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So glad there are more new photos of Ruby here. I'm getting to need my Ruby fix. Don't want to miss out on her growing up, even if it is virtually :):shy:
I just adore her colouring. Thanks for posting some new photos.
We have been lucky Candes its been around the 7C give or take up & down a degree or two.At the moment it is very windy here so trying to convince myself that I do want to go & stand outside so the cats can have a run around,wouldn't normally worry but when Welly gets the wind up his tail he does some of the weirdest things & he could get babe into bad habits.
Thought she was going to follow Bruce into the outside pen this morning,I think if he had gone out quickly & the flap had swung more she would have followed but being the gentleman he is he just slips through & the flap drops back & that is it so she reversed back & sat looking,don't think it will be long though before she is out there.....
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