Oh bless, always an anxious time, but don't worry she'll be back home harrassing you before you know it! xxx
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Oh bless, always an anxious time, but don't worry she'll be back home harrassing you before you know it! xxx
On the plus side, Jackie, you will have a perfect excuse to pamper and spoil her for the rest of the day. :)
Hope she is now home and being spoilt xx
Not a very good picture of her war wound but will try again in a day or two as being midline this is the only place she is likely to get any sympathy ,its really very small & neat although it doesn't look like it on here & as our vets do subcutanous suturing no stitches to pull at or have to go back & have removed,got to be a bonus.Gave up trying to stop her from scrapping at the patio door so let her out for a quick wander to see the others {daren't let them out of the pen yet}& after a little word from Shimba she has come back in & settled down,fish on the menu for her tonight.
I am still feeling so guilty especially as all she is doing is purring like a steam engine & her weight today was a modest 4kg.....bless her.
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Such a little neat wound! And her tail ... wow, that is magnificat :smile:
Good to see her already wandering about cheerfully. Enjoy your fish, sweetie. And your tail is fab indeed!
So glad she's still got her loud and special purr. Shimba will look after her x
Ok Ruby Blue has let us down,after checking her all day & everything fine with her tum we went out for a couple of hours last night & came home to find all happy looking cats,went to get their supper & up ended a certain girl again for inspection & got the shock of my life,a great big gaping hole so at 11.30pm & in thick fog off we had to go to the OOH vets & there she had to stay to be knocked out & re stitched,think it could have been down to her & Welly having a bit of rough playtime but whatever the cause she will not be getting any treats until she has paid mummy back,big time....... Loved having to wait for phone call that all was ok,put clocks on an hour & then be awake early for vet to phone before going off duty & then trip to collect her,not much rest last night.
Now trying to make sure she plays only on her own,have got the cage back in which she hates but bedtime will have to be spent in it & fingers crossed,the vet has done a double row of sutures this time but if it happens again will go along with OH's idea, we pass her breeders on the way back from the OOH surgery so we will leave her on the doorstep ring the bell & run,not joking,ok perhaps we are was so quiet with only five of them first thing....!
Oh poor you Jackie, what a shock, good thing you checked eh. What is she like worrying you like that!
She will have to 'do her time' in the cage poor love, it's for her own good.
Must say we have threatened to take gorgeous Herb 'back to the shop' on a few occasions, most recent of which was a weeing on the floor episode when there was a perfectly good litter box nearby and yes he has been neutered so no excuses. Seem to have sorted that one now by providing a super-duper new litter box and by consistently blocking his access to that particular corner of the living room, oh yes, not good at all....but he's turning into a proper great big cuddle-monkey so all is (almost) forgiven!!