She's absolutely adorable! Can't wait to see more photos :-)
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She's absolutely adorable! Can't wait to see more photos :-)
She is turning into a stunner Jackie xx
Attachment 4505
She is nine weeks today & have to admit to going very maternal over her when I saw this photo of her this morning, I luv the slight head tilt & get the feeeling she luvs the camera...!
Love a good Smoke and of course... torties they are the best!!! ♥
Today is the big one for Ruby she goes to work tonight for her 1st vacc so thinking about popping in to see how brave she is going to be,her two bruvs Shimba & Welly were both big wimps,told her breeder last night I would go for a Ruby cuddle but got the same reaction as I did from the workmates "Oh good you can help by getting the vaccines drawn up" Noooooooo,I want a cuddle......
Blimey Candes I hope she will be impressed that she is on your new Ipad & all that way away as well. Have decided I WILL leave the room while she has her vaccine & then go back to cuddle her.Will be interesting to see how the pecking order does go because poor little Pansy P just gets ignored really other than when she tries to hand out paw swipes a bit too often & she has also gone very quiet since loosing China so although they didn't seem to have a close bond there must have been more than I realised,I do hope a "spunky" girl as you call her will help brighten up PP's life a bit as well....x
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Just back from cuddles with Ruby,she was a very big brave girl having her jab but will have to be even braver next time as she will be having her microchip as well bless her,she weighs in at 1.4kg so will have to take a look at the weight chart to see how it compares with the girls,China was a big girl when she came & poor little Pansy P was so small I didn't embarass her by putting her on the scales.
Pictures not very good because I wanted to get her out of the waiting room before anyone else came in & get her back to her siblings but "dad" called in on his way home from work to get a little look at her & of course a bit of a cuddle...!
Hmmm looks like Ruby might be Daddy's little princess lol.
She is such a doll! Getting fluffier and prettier every day. The black spot on her nose looks so cute in cotrast to L white whisker pad.
You must spend all your time with her.