9 Attachment(s)
My three little kitz, Beau and Roco too
I've finally managed to get my camera out and taken some pix of our three little kittens, they are a day shy of four weeks old in them and as you can see the bottle fed kitten is much smaller than his brothers, he is adorable tho, his little ears bob up and down when he drinks, then he tries to find extra milk by sucking my hand, he really is so cute. They have now been liberated from the wardrobe area and are now runnning amok in their bedroom, I still have the infrared lamp on at night as I'd hate for them to get chilled.
Beau is so much better now that he is 'helping' me pack, I was trying to get alll the cat documents in the box without packing him, but it was not to be!Attachment 4342Attachment 4343Attachment 4344Attachment 4345Attachment 4346Attachment 4347Attachment 4348Attachment 4349Attachment 4350