All together now.....................aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
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I've always fancied a pale red, what's the right term for that, caramel? calico? Light beige???
And the blues are rather special aren't they?
OK I'm off to take my medication.
I also absolutely adore the colour :smile: Finn is registered as being a cream blotched tabby, but he has shades of clotted cream - it so depends on the light ... sometimes he's got a real 'ginger' tinge and at other times he looks almost white. Whatever the colour I love them all :smile: I must remember to take my medication too!!
I need a bigger house and a bigger income :) I've just seen Caspers sister and she is pure black and had to stop myself bringing her home as well. And sorry Roxy, I do love blues as well (Buddy adds "especially you x")
Casper's story is a sad one :( I got a phone call yesterday from a friend who runs a local voluntary cat rescue / rehoming service. She told me that a very large lactating female cat had been found dead near a busy road; she was wearing no collar and was not chipped. From her condition she was thought to be feral. All the vets had been checked and no one had reported her missing. We went out in search of her kittens and found 5 little fluff balls in the copse. One sadly had already joined his Mummy at Rainbow bridge and the other four were barely alive. We put two each down out tops (tickles like hell) to keep them warm and headed for the vets. One was in too bad a state for us to try and save but three (2 girls and Casper) had a "chance". They are estimated to me 4 weeks old but as feral could be slightly older but not older than 6 weeks. Fay has over 60 cats already and is hand rearing 9 just now so couldn't take them in. We were ringing around foster carers when suddenly we couldn't find Casper :O He had got into the pocket of my hoodie and was asleep, purring very gently. Those heart strings are terrible when they are pulled and I kinda bought him home. The 2 girls have been fostered; one is a forever home if she makes it. It is very very early days with these babies and nothing is certain re their future. Fay has been told of a female cat who's kittens were still born and she is bringing her round later to see if Casper will latch on to her as she is producing lots of milk. The owner is more than happy to lend me her cat if it can help save this boys life. Other than that; I'm on 2 hourly feeds day and night. I will keep you all up to date on Casper and will post some pictures very soon.
Also, does anyone know of a flea treatment that is safe to use on a kitten of this age? I used to get the syrup from PAH but they haven't got it anymore :( xxx
Crossing everything that all 3 of them make it - Casper sounds a real fighter - good luck Catslave
The wormer was discontinued a while ago, have you looked on NOAH's site for alternatives??
Got to say you have managed to set off the waterworks, poor little mites xx
What a sad story Catslave, although I'm sure it's all too common. Good for you for stepping in and helping little Casper. I bet it's exhausting!
Can't wait to see more pictures, and good luck xxx