Even my husband's chin if he forgets to shave. It is so funny to see cat's hair sticking out from his cheeks and chin after he gives hugs and kisses to our lovely girls. With Pet hair magnet I will be able to clean his face as well.
I am on a prawl for brush and magnet![/QUOTE]
Boy never thought about ridding hubby's face pet fur. Let me know how that pet hair magnet works on man scruff.
For our pets (we had a 1/2 MC and a Sheltie) I just used the standard Hoover upright. For furniture, I lift up the Hoover, place it on the cushions, and vacuum away. For the sides of sofa & loveseat, I used their pet comb and actually combed the furniture. I found this to be extremely effective. For the hardwood & tile floors I use a Swiffer. For our clothes, I use sticky tape rollers. Our new 6 month MC hasn't left much fur behind yet. I plan to use the same products, but we'll have to see as he is a purebred MC.