Somersby will arrive here in February 2012 so for now we have to just drool over the photos....:smile:
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Somersby will arrive here in February 2012 so for now we have to just drool over the photos....:smile:
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Beautiful *broody again* xx
That's alright Debbie I've just got a severe case of broodiness seeing all the lovely kittens on here xx
Awww..what a cutie.
You are very stunning, Mr.White Perfection.
Since I am not a breeder it remains a mystery to me how you choose kittens for breeding. How are you able to tell who will be a pet or a show cat?
I feel sorry for breeding queens to serve only for reproductive purposes and say farewell to all their kittens. Our pet cats have the best occupation ever!
Their job is to enjoy life and boss around human buttlers without worrying about offspring or multiple shows .
If it wasn't for the brave people like Debbie who would we have to luv & cuddle,having seen seven 12 week old babies hurling round & pouncing on poor mum I think they are like us two legged humans,luv them but very pleased to see them go & take up their rightful place in the big world outside,only difference between the two is the furries go to a safehaven where they continue to be spoilt & every whim including cleaning their bottoms is pampered too & although the breeders must miss them like hell they must too feel a sense of satisfaction to go through it all again,hey what Debbie...xxxx
He's such a beautiful boy!
Wow Debbie, he's absolutely scrumptious! Keep us posted won't you. x
Wie hübsch... :koolkat:
Where did you get him, Debbie?
I think that must be true of all good breeders they put a lot of work & luv into each furry bundle but when my friend says "I am going to miss these more than any of the others they are such a super bunch" I just grin at her because I hear it every time & I know jolly well that every new owner will have been grilled within an inch of their lives,she too is like Debbie not afraid of saying to someone no you are not good enough to have one of my babes,they are the breeders we want & if they shed a tear it means all the more to you because it shows their commitment to doing the best for their babes.When my friend calls round Merlyn always tries to meet her & wants to sit with her or her hubby which I think is lovely because after all those years he still recognises their voices, that is kitty bonding at its best...x
Just by looking, you have an idea in your mind, it might not always be the same as the Judges lol.. but most times it is.. SOME Breeders use the cats for reproductive purposes you are right some having more than 2 litter a year from a girl!!
BUT I will make it clear now, my girls are pets first, and breeding queens second.... and the day I can not make this statement hand on heart is the day I WILL GIVE UP!!! ☻
Well said Jackie, Kittens are kittens.... they all have their own purrsonalities.... each one different even in the same litter.... YOU always have that special one... and sometimes its not even a show cat its just an average kitten, that just pulls at your heart strings.... and that KITTEN is always the one that is hard to let go!! more than any!! ♥
My girls are more than happy to see them go!!! MUMS forget their babies very quickly.... I have taken kittens away from mums that have no mil or are getting too rough for the kittens, and at a later date a matter of weeks let mum see them again.... some mums accept them back purring and happy..... SOME mums slap them around the ear and tell them to go away... and want nothing to do with them!! BUT also.... its nice to see the new owners come and take a look and wonder at them and its nice to see them grow as almost ALL my new owners send me photos and email and updates, so they are always my extended family!! I have made many friends of the people who have my cats and MOST come back for another one... at a later date... and many recommend me to their friends.... I have recently met 2 great ladies who came to me from a recommendation just like this... THEY had the choice of a show quality kitten.... (SAME price) they chose a sweet pet kitten but they love her like she is a queen...... THAT is what makes me breed more babies.. ♥
Aww he is edible, another one of yours to drool over!!! xx
i remember my breeder crying as i walked out the door with my two ..especially eric as he was so special to them
New photos... of my gorgeous boy... Coming in March..... the count down for my pick up date is getting closer....
He is ready to leave now... but I am waiting for a boy, and a Girl from Germany.... so once they arrive off I go!!! lol xx
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He is breathtaking... I bet you can't wait to pick him up. :)
Oh my word, he is absolutely stunning! He is gonna make some gorgeous offspring.
Hi everyone
I hate seeing my kittens go but I know thqt if I kept them all they wold be very unhappy and most of them have wonderful lives with their new families... but not all of them! I have been lied to in the past and cetainly wont be selling anymore queens on the active register unless I know the person who wants a kitten very well!
As for our queens they are not kitten machines and most breeders have quite a few old girls knocking around that they love dearly! Queens all act differently when it comes to their kitties most are quite happy to see their babies leave home, but my darling Saffy knows exactly how many kittens she has had and adores all of them, for over a year she kept peering into our bedroom to see if her (sold and gone) kittens were in there (I used to put them in there when I cleaned out the kitten room). One of her kittens left yesterday and she is very aware of his loss! This is her last littler as she is getting on in cat years so I am very happy to say that we are keepAttachment 5217ing one of her sons for her (and us).
He is a little cutie the peering over the box, just looking to see what mischief he can cause.
Debbie , you boy is stuning , just look at that jaw !
Thanks, its down to good breeding, there are some good white about, and some huge ones indeed.. But I am not looking for a huge cat, just one that has everything I like and this boy sure does have that.. The combinations with this boy Somersby and my girl will work well I think, fingers crossed!!
Counting down the days now..
Just received some more photos... Not sure what I have let my self in his breeder says he chewed through the phone wires the other night... lol
And he chases the dog, I love cats with attitude!!
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The latest photos received today.... only a short time to go now!! So exshited.... lol xx
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Lovely pics Debbie, I love a solid white as you know -
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Herbie's nickname is 'Naughty', so maybe the solid whites have the naughty gene!
He's gorgeous, bet you can't wait! :drool1:
Apparently Somersby is naughty too... and Nicky asked why I gave him that name.. I said I thought it suited him, but recently with the reports she has given to me, I have renamed his Son of Satan..... Apparently, she said ( jokingly).....
There is going to be an extra clause in his contract... do not return under no circumstance... te he!!!
What am I letting my self in for....
Wow, he is a gorgeous kitten! Little Herbie is stunning too, I just love the whites!
The latest photos
SOMERSBY has a new tunnel lol :)
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