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Thread: Does your cat do this?

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    USA, Seattle
    Thanked 34 Times in 32 Posts

    Does your cat do this?

    I wonder if my Ariella has obsessive-compulsive disorder or there are some other cats who do the same ritual.

    She begs to get brushed 13-16 times a day. It starts early in the morning after we finish breakfast when we hear a loud "Mrrraauh" many times
    until my husband grabs the brush and grooms her very thoroughly. She keeps harassing him during the day, and again, he always
    fulfills her demands.It seems like being brushed is one of her essential needs, just like playing, eating or sleeping. Upon each return from a trip
    we have to make up for missed grooming sessions by increasing the frequency, length or both.
    Her sister also does not mind being brushed, but no obsession there. I even took Ariella to the vet who found her skin and hair to be in perfect condition,
    with all normal labs.




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