Nope,thought we were having a very quiet time of it when today Shimba decided to rearrange the lights,water spray bottle now on standby & at the moment no one has strayed near tree again but not holding my breath...!
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Tee hee I am now rather Proud of my thug (oops Buddy) .... Oooh Jackie Shimba was obviously led astray ... (Welly come to Yarmouth) xxx
So far apart from a quick sniff at a couple of ornaments Hector & Roxy have not bothered with the tree, okay Roxy likes to lie under it and also keeps having a quick lick(!) the lights going up the stairs I have another problem, I have had to rearrange the ornaments out of busy little fingers reach as there is nothing I can block it off with when my little darling is in his walker..............x
Maya's new toy, The Golden Ornament.
She runs under the tree when getting chased by her brother, she hears a jingling. She stops in her tracks and observes this golden ball swaying back and forth. She gets on her hind legs (no camera on hand) and starts tapping at it. Every little time she taps the ball, the tree begins to move. Momma calls for her to no avail. She was on a mission. Then daddy comes by and scooches her away. She sees him take the ball and moves it out of her reach. She watches and thinks how she can get to the golden ball. She sees the wire to the lights dangling freely on the bottom. She paws at it....nope it doesn't sway, she paws at it again and leans into the tree. She observes the action of all the other balls.. uhh hah! we have success the ornaments are all swaying. She keeps pawing at the lights until something falls. Then the unmentionable happens.... daddy took her away.
She was never seen again. The End.
So far (and fingers tightly crossed) Rasputin doesn't seem that interested in the tree after having had a good sniff initially... Which is good 'coz it's HUGE.
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Here's what our tree looks like Never had ALL the ornaments up so high before. I still have a ton more that didn't make it on the tree. Didn't want the beast to have too many things to break. Moved some down a bit since Whiskey's dive-bomb incident the other day. He hasn't attacked it again so I'm crossing my fingers.
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What we did last year to try and save the tree worked a treat so we will do the same this year.
We wrapped up some catnip toys really well and placed them all around the tree. When the little monkeys decided to have a go at the decorations they got sidetracked by the presents. By the time they had finished rolling around on the floor trying to open them they had forgotten all about the tree. :)
It worked so well our tree remained untouched for the whole time it was up, and that's with 6 coonies around!
Tree is going up now, will report in with any disaster updates, stayed tuned :)
I heard Welly talking just a while ago & when I checked he was sitting a decent distance from the tree but staring at it & underneath staring upwards sat a certain girl,luckily a nice rattly toy distracted her & big bruv was a "grass" but.... Good luck MickB will check back later.
Tree erected succesfully (with a little help of course)
Cats were starting to get "inquisitive" but we've put the toys from Santa Paws underneath and it's as if the tree wasn't there.
More news at 11 :)
PS Jackie, he's biding his time..just biding his time :)
I've got two very badly behaved mainecoons and surprisingly enough have had no problems with our tree either...yet! It's been up for a week. I've got an artificial one with no tinsel, but I've got bobbles on it and they don't seem to be attracting the cats at all.
For those of you who are not having so much luck, apparently citronella sprayed on the tree might help to repel curious cats...
Well...Maya took two ornaments off the tree today under daddy's watch. Neither of them was broken but it is a matter of time when she figures out that she can climb the tree.
Last night during their playtime, Maya again decided that the tree was hers to play with. I really tried to be stern with her and tell her "No" but how can I be serious when I am snapping pictures of the rascal in the act?
In the end, I got my Dh to be the meanie and use the spray bottle. It might have worked. BTW, I had already swept up the needles twice before this incident. It's never ending with a 'live' tree.
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Have had the tree up for 10 days now .... no decorations yet .... so far the red has climbed it ... had one either side trying to attack eachother through it ....and general chomping on the ends of the branches ( fake tree) , but nothing for a couple of days might risk some decorations tonight and see what happens!
Put some wrapped presents under the tree last night. Now have to re-wrap a few as the paper was torn off this morning. It will be Whiskey's 1st Christmas. Wonder how he'll be when Santa puts all the presents under the tree and we unwrap them Christmas morning.
Well, it's Christmas Eve and still no "tree action" from our boyz. Perhaps they are "maturing" in their old age of 5 yrs. Or, maybe it's the fact I've had my camera at the ready for the past 2 days. Regardless, I caught Blue "eye-ing" the tree - then he saw me and looked disinterested. Cats are just too darned smart sometimes. :winkwink:
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Same here mc-becca,after the one bauble incident no further action & thats with now eight cats in the house over xmas with ages ranging from 3mths to 12yrs,perhaps they are waiting until it is time to take the decorations down before they throw in some help,couldn't get wrong then could they....x
It finally happened. Maya was caught in the act.
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She sees something that she wanted and jumped right into the tree. We had to let her get out by herself as we couldn't get into the tree because of the net lights.
Buddy has shown no interest what so ever in the tree :( he did have fun with all the wrapping paper but think he just kinda admitted defeat and went to sleep) I feel like I've lost out on something ......
Christmas is over and Whiskey did great Christmas morning. We opened his stocking 1st and let him play with his toys. This kept him away while we opened our gifts. He didn't even have an interest in the wrapping paper. Put the opened presents back under the and left him alone for the day. Once again he did great. Christmas night he was very inquisitive checking out each and every package. He must have been checking to make sure he opened all of his presents and didn't miss any that Santa might have left him.
One of the cats favourite xmas presents was this super gadget that you just set going & you can leave them chasing the laser light up & down the hall,after 15 mins it switches itself off so no chance of them overdoing things & great that you don't have to stand there waving laser mouse round yourself,Bruce is the only one who feels it is beyond his dignity to run after a moving spot the rest luv it...!
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I spoke too soon. Whiskey was getting to work while we were driving home from work. Creating havoc is his full-time job. Our alarm company called cellphone to inform us our burglar alarm went off. Held our breath getting home. Opened door expecting to find Christmas tree toppled over. Tree survived. Presents under tree were scattered all over the floor. Kitty must have been having a grand time looking for more gifts for himself. Police arrived looking at doors & windows for break-in. Luckily we were there to inform them that kitty must have triggered the alarm. Had a good laugh after, but how embarrassing to have the police arrive because of our insane cat.
Forgot to mention this happened Tuesday night.
That looks like a good gadget - where did it come from? Kenny loves chasing the laser pointer.
I started to take down the Christmas decorations today, so of course having attempted to destroy the tree when it first went up, he thought he should help with packing everything away.
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Its called a Frolicat & it is the bolt one,not sure where this one came from daughters partner got it for them but just googled & they are on Amazon. There is a mirror that you can adjust & it changes the area the red dot covers,we found it works a lot better being on a small table,keeps the cats happy....!
Thanks for the info - that's definitely going on my shopping list!