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Thread: Christmas Trees, Decorations and Presents

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Christmas Trees, Decorations and Presents

    This will be Tequila and Maya's first Christmas. We are so excited. Christmas tree and Presents!!!

    I am a little concerned about the reaction Tequila and Maya will have with the tree. I've spoken to our breeder and he hasn't put up a tree in years, I could imagine why with all the kittens and cats around.
    Anyways, we've always had a live Christmas tree. Missy (RIP) and Forest never were excited about the tree, neither of them ever thought or try to climb it. The worse was Missy batting around the ornament that fell the lowest on the tree.

    So, we've decided that we will still put a tree up but with some kitty proofing. ie..unbreakable decorations, decorations only on the top part of the tree, no ribbon etc... and hope for the best that my tree doesn't get attacked. I've got a cast iron tree stand that the tree sits in so I don't think my tree will topple over easily. *cross fingers*

    I have personalized stockings for Forest and Missy. I will be personalizing 2 more for Tequila and Maya. They will be filled with stuff and hung with care.
    Attachment 4541

    Let's talk about presents. For playtime...

    Thanks to another member (Peter Galbavy) posting this, I had to get 2 of the Bergan Turbo Track Cat Toy: Pet Supplies and the Starchaser replacement ball. I think they will have a hayday with this.

    In addition, I saw this ToyShoppe® Playables Kitty Pirate Ship Cat Toy - Toys - Cat - PetSmart. But I think my Dh will go for a long tunnel instead of pirate ship.
    They will also get some furry mice and treats, KONG kicharoo toys in their stockings. And finally, a bed to take their nap times in.

    It may not end there but for now that is what is on my list.

    Please share you're Christmas tree experiences, decorations and presents (may give me more ideas) for your beloved kiddens.
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  2. #2
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    Kickaroos are great my two love theirs and they have a track a bit like the one you have got. Last year I put a couple of cheap unbreakable baubles on the bottom of the tree and they got the idea that they were theirs to bat at.
    I'm dreading the tree going up this year as Freddie will be joining in with the cats trying to get at the baubles, I don't think Jackies trick of holly round the bottom is a good one with a 1 year old!!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helen & John View Post
    Kickaroos are great my two love theirs and they have a track a bit like the one you have got. Last year I put a couple of cheap unbreakable baubles on the bottom of the tree and they got the idea that they were theirs to bat at.
    I'm dreading the tree going up this year as Freddie will be joining in with the cats trying to get at the baubles, I don't think Jackies trick of holly round the bottom is a good one with a 1 year old!!!
    Why not Helen it would keep Freddie away too....x

  4. #4
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    Our Experience . . .

    Good luck with the tree! We too, have always had a tree, and every year our boyz get smarter and smarter. We've tried real trees, fake trees, even a 7' fiber optic tree - and Blue and Dakota just can't leave them alone. We have nothing but shatterproof ornaments, which they really love - and we find them under the furniture for weeks after the holidays have passed.

    We were discussing our "tree dilemma" just this morning. I'm not sure if we will attempt a tree or not . . . if we do, there will be excitement for all.

    Here are pics from last year; these 2 really are a "tag team".

    Christmas Trees, Decorations and Presents-dscn0967.jpgChristmas Trees, Decorations and Presents-dscn0997.jpg

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to mc-becca For This Useful Post:

    LilyC (24th November 2011)

  6. #5
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    mc-becca most people put a fairy or a star on top of their tree; I'm not even going to imagine where you would put the light :S

    MickB - that couldn't have been sweet Saffi?

    Jackie - erm holly round the bottom works but how do I stop him jumping off the stairs and landing in the tree?xx

    Present wise - Buddy is getting a brother and sister :D :D :D but he has to wait a few weeks more for them so he "might" get to play on the new cat tree first.
    jckkerrison and MickB like this.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by catslave View Post

    Jackie - erm holly round the bottom works but how do I stop him jumping off the stairs and landing in the tree?xx
    Sorry can't be of use here,we have no stairs so haven't had to try & find an answer to that one,adding very quickly "Thank Goodness" but it does look like it will be holly picking again this year unless the breeder has done a good job of densensitizing Ruby before she comes,oh yes there might be a houseful of cats & seven kittens but she will still have put the tree up....
    Never thought of telling the other five that Ruby is a christmas present,just have a feeling that would be one present where they not only played with the paper more but would keep that & throw the gift away,hmmmm,might give it a try
    Helen & John and catslave like this.

  8. #7
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    I just love your tree topper! That is hilarious! That is exactly what I don't want to happen. I just hope that Tequila and Maya won't be that adventureous. But you never know.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mc-becca View Post
    Good luck with the tree! We too, have always had a tree, and every year our boyz get smarter and smarter. We've tried real trees, fake trees, even a 7' fiber optic tree - and Blue and Dakota just can't leave them alone. We have nothing but shatterproof ornaments, which they really love - and we find them under the furniture for weeks after the holidays have passed.

    We were discussing our "tree dilemma" just this morning. I'm not sure if we will attempt a tree or not . . . if we do, there will be excitement for all.

    Here are pics from last year; these 2 really are a "tag team".

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Oh they could be my two with the colours and I've got to say that Roxy (my blue girl) is as much of a mischief finder as yours looks to be!!!
    mc-becca and LilyC like this.

  10. #9
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    Jackie at the moment I'm open to all ideas!! To say Freddie is exploring his world is an understatement!!!
    All the remotes have teeth marks in them and Daddy's iphone has been introduced to the hairdryer a couple of times to dry the drool out so people can hear him on it!!!!
    Last edited by Helen & John; 24th November 2011 at 10:42 AM.
    jckkerrison likes this.

  11. #10
    Happy Kitten
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    Lol to you still having a tree with coonies in the house. We do no tree no tinsel, nothing hanging, nothing that makes a noise when they bat it oh the list of no's is endless lol.

    Mine chew so I have no live plants as even flowers get nibbled :0)

    Do you have a laser pen, it's a definate favourite in this house.

    Enjoy your Christmas

    Ps definately no poinsettia - poisonous to cats as is lily pollen
    Kinglouie likes this.


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