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Rasputin is 1 today
Well my not-so-little monster is 1 today. Tasty, freshly cooked chicken tonight for dinner and a little present when the Boy gets home.
Also an opportunity for gratuitous photos :D
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And a vid too...
He has just come and sat himself in my lap and is DEMANDING strokes/attention in general :D
Happy Birthday Rasputin
Another ironing board hog I see xx
Maine Coon? Check ..... Ironing board dweller? Check ...... Male? Check ................... HIDE YOUR ICE CREAM!!!
Why does that last pic make me laugh so much.
Happy birthday again Rasputin xxx
Rasputin says thanks ;) he is currently nomming chicken very contentedly :D
He also likes his new toy:
Happy Birthday Rasputin & enjoy your special meal....xxx
I love those toys on string and stick especially when the little darlings manage to tie their own front paws together with them. PS. is he getting banana ice cream as a birthday treat (Buddy and Hector want to know) xx
Rasputin would say thank you but he's currently snoring...
@Catslave unfortunately no banana ice cream for him, we don't keep ice cream in the house coz when we have it, I eat it all in about 30 seconds :D
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Hector says poor Rasputin does not know what he is missing............BUT it has to be banana flavour none of that Carte D'or caramel cinnamon waffle stuff. You should have seen the look of disgust on his face when I had some of that!!!!
Pic of Hector trying out his magic coonie powers to get my bowl of banana ice cream to come to him!!!!
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H also goes mad for banana baby breakfast too!!!!!!
Aww, lovely pics of your babe, Happy Birthday Rasputin, you gorgeous silver boy, you! xx
Oh yes, happy birthday Rasputin,
I may be wrong, but I think Rasputin and Little Dot are from the same litter...........
Thanks guys :) I'm going to weigh him today to see how maHOOsive he is....
@Helen&John I'm definitely going to have to investigate this banana flavour thing...
@Steve you may well be right, Rasputin is Sueragdandy Moonstone x Kassaro Tarrique and I did see Little Dot when I picked him up; did she enjoy her birthday?
@pralinehalo, Dot had a great time!! I know Kassaro Tarrique is her father, I will have to dig out info on her mother....
Happy belated Birthday Rasputin! May you have many more to come!
Fatty very much enjoyed his birthday and loves his present; he brings it to me to play with at every opportunity! Thanks for the wishes everyone :)
@Steve - did you find out who Dot's mum was?
@pralinehalo, TBH I completely forgot about Dot's mother!!
I will dig out info this weekend ( If I remember, as in middle of building a new shed!)
So glad Rasputin liked prezzy.
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