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I have three that you could trust with anything wouldn't put a paw wrong or pinch even their own food if it was on the side but Merlyn has always been a pig & would thieve,in his younger days we have let him eat until he has made himself sick thinking it would cure him but no after he had vomited one lot up back he would go for more,now unfortunately he has a bit of a partner in crime, Welly will also thieve but doesn't pig out like Merl I am pleased to say,thats why Merl is always fed seperate from the others so they can have top up food down & we know they will get it .....
I haven't known vets to pump out animals Candes but I suppose if it was really touch & go you could give them the injection which makes them vomit if you suspect or know they have eaten poison.I restricted his water intake,would rather have a thirsty cat than one that swells all that dried food inside him,he had a small amount of wet food last night & is going to be kept on wet only for today,he has been using the toilet very well but up until now no real diarrhoea which is surprising just a bit softer than normal last night & I thought here we go but at least his tum feels normal now, looks like he could have used one of his nine lives up in the over eating stakes,what a boy,have made sure that tin is well out of his reach now just in case,bless him....x