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Thread: Bad day got worse.....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bad day got worse.....

    For Merlyn that is....
    Heard a lot of growling from Wellynton Boots this morning so went out to find him huddled up the corner of the hall growling as loud as he could four other cats crowded round him & Merlyn trying his hardest to get something away from him,when I arrived Welly had somehow hooked the dreamies from a very high point & was trying to get into the packet,now you can't reward that one so nobody had any much to Merls disgust,I went & put them into the utility room out of the way,just walked in & straight out as you do,got on with my favourite pastime housework all the cats went off sulking & it wasn't until an hour later I realised Merl was missing,bet you know where this is going,the little s*d had followed me into the utility room now he doesn't normally move that quickly or stays out of the way so you don't notice him,he knocked one of the biscuit tins onto the floor & when I found him he could hardy b****y walk,he couldn't get his tummy through the flap to get out into the pen out of my way so he has been on no brekkie or lunch top up at the moment & will most probaly be missing supper as well.I dare not let him have too much water because if he had swelled up much more he would have burst,he is now starting to go down a bit most probaly helped by just having a bloody huge poo,should have got a photo of him as well he would have put a walrus to shame but I was so cross with him,not that you would ever guess,I only got the Welly proof,now Merl the others will soon be having a light tea but your day is going from bad to worse because your dish is going to remain empty. He has been a bit quiet so I would think he is uncomfortable,well the answer to that is serve you blooming well right....!

    Don't know why photos are staggered perhaps they picked up on my cross mood,sorry...x

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    Last edited by jckkerrison; 25th November 2011 at 04:57 PM.
    candes and mc-becca like this.




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