Hi all, we got a water fountain for Schrödinger in last weeks Black Friday deal on Amazon and I've uploaded a video which shows some typical Schrodo action *tap tap tap* :)
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Hi all, we got a water fountain for Schrödinger in last weeks Black Friday deal on Amazon and I've uploaded a video which shows some typical Schrodo action *tap tap tap* :)
I looked at getting one of those too, but I bought so many other things that I thought I'd persevere with the bowl for a while longer! He certainly seems to like it though and I love the way he uses his paw for a drink. Mufasa only uses his paw to eat.
Hi Fozzie, Schrodo was certainly a bit wary of it but as he's becoming more and more "interested" in water, especially the bathroom sink and bath then we thought it was a good idea to get him one and if it encourages him to drink more then all the better :)
I luv how he sits & watches before moving in,we have to get a new fountain so wonder if ours would like one of those,at least it would stop Welly laying with his legs wrapped round the dome lapping the water but I am just wondering about the flicking of the water with a paw or seeing Schrodinger putting his paw up to where the water comes out how long before he cottons on that if he blocks part of it the water will squirt everwhere,he is just so dainty with it at the moment bless him & those lynx tips are great....x
Love how he studies it before extending a paw!
Does he not like boxes as if that had been Hector he would have taken up residence in it after having a drink!
He LOVES boxes but i think being on camera and the new addition of the magical water machine had proved a bit much for him! I'm gonna get back tonight from work and he'll be doing front crawl in it!
Actually this week has been somewhat traumatic for him, first there was the noisy hand canons (electric toothbrushes) that made lots and lots of noise! then there was the big white box of certain doom (new tumble dryer) and now the magical fountain of watery goodness! He'll be scoffing Prozac by weeks end bless!
Beautiful cat. We considered water fountain but decided on a different technique. Still get a lot of watery floods on our wood floor. :( Atlanta on the other hand is not as water mad as Dakota. Just showing a side of caution but is it wise to have a lamp by your fountain? Safety issues that's all.