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Thread: What do you prefer a male or female maine coon for a pet?

  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
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    What do you prefer a male or female maine coon for a pet?

    I have a male who is a sweet lil guy I have always been told that males make better pets. However, I just got a 12 wk old female and she is so lovey she lets me hold her for hours. Which do you prefer and why
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  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I have a 3 1/2 year old male and adore him! A fantastic communicator, looks you straight in the eyes when he wants something, and has the sweetest little "Mew.." So smart. he is pretty independent tho. He likes companionship sometimes but it has to be his idea. He owns the neighborhood, and the other cats give him so much is so funny. They come and sit on the drive way 2 or 3 at a time and wait for him to show! We have a female, too. She is a house cat, kinda fussy and a princess..but very sweet.
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  3. #3
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    I luv boys for the "Big Village Idiots"they become but the girls for being busy,busy,busy.If something needs working out the girls knuckle down & do it where as most of the boys give a limp attempt at it & then go "duh" how did you do that & turn on that poor boy lost look.
    I agree with Candes about the claws on approach seems to happen more with the girls but I think it is because of their business they don't have time to stop & think but they do learn some quite quick some eventually. Our Chima RIP would mouth you really hard & hurt & we couldn't get her to stop so we started putting her for time out in her room when it happened & it didn't take long for her to learn then.As to the luv bug side I think they all tend to differ,China was aloof to start with & for a few years would only come for a cuddle on her terms but the latter half of her life she was a full on in your face arms round neck cuddler,Pansy P has always been a pretty loving little girl but with her earlier problems I always had close contact with her trying to help her out but she prefers to lay beside you for her cuddles rather than on a lap,Bruce luv bug from the word go,paddle paddle purr purr headbut kiss full on mouth,Merlyn very stand offish until he was about five now he will smother you & as for the two babe bruvs Welly is still a none lap cuddler except on very rare occasions but he loves it if he is in his bed & you get down & cuddle him but bruv Shimba from day one has been a total luv,cuddle can't leave you ,adoring looks & chirrup boy so all differ slightly.The weird thing is Welly does seem to have the female traits in that he is a busy boy & loves to sit with his kitten toy knocking the ball round with the tip of his paw trying to see if he can get it out so could be why as yet he isn't giving us that complete laid back idiot feeling we have from the other males. Will be finding out about another girl very soon....
    JUst luv them all though whichever gender they are because they all do have the same basic traits & provide you with hours of fun, amusement &
    Last edited by jckkerrison; 1st December 2011 at 10:07 AM.
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  4. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    We have girls. Initially I wanted a boy but when we saw the size of his granddad and dad we thought ooh! Dakota is really big already at 18months and Atlanta is a slightly smaller from a different breeder. I love both of them as they are good in coming home on a regular basis. I think I'd constantly worry if the boy cat wondered off too far. My friend's cat did this and unfortunately ended up in cat heaven . Overall, they have such lovely nature. Maybe in the future a beefy boy will join our growing family.......
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  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    sitting on the fence Male or female?

    I have a male and female MC. I always had the mindnset males made better pets, but both bring different qualities, and I am still sitting on the fence!! From the moment we got the female she squirmed when you picked her up & she would not let you hold her. Two years down the road nothing has changed. As well, she has never once sat on my lap. however....she is the sweetest cat I have ever known, and intellegent beyond what she should be!! Never wines or cries, and happy with what ever you give her. She is very attached to me, and snuggles up with only me every night!! She rarely leaves my side! She is extremely active and curious, and needs a lot of stimulation. My boy on the other hand is a 23 pound lapcat, couch potatoe. Love them both, but would be really torn on what to get if I added another MC to the pack...male or female! I think I would consider a .... oh still not sure!! :-)
    jckkerrison and candes like this.

  6. #6
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    We've always had boy cats. I think because our very first cat Fred was a big, beautiful, affectionate, funny lad who loved everyone, so he set the pattern. We really like big fluffy, naughty, in-your-face cats and it seems we're more likely to get that with a male. And most likely with a male MC!

  7. #7
    Elite Cat
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    We've only had female cats until Tiki. Missy(RIP) was a coonie mix and she was the most loveable kitty. She liked to be carried like a baby, would wrapp herself around your neck, total lap kitty. When Missy past, we wanted a female definitely because of her temperment. But then we decided to get 2 MC's. So first we got Tequila (Tiki) who is a sweet, funny, silly and mischieveous boy that we love to so much. He's got his quirky personality that is just adorable. Now, I talk about getting another MC and it will be a red boy. Just have to persuade my Dh. We don't know what a full MC female is like but we will find out soon enough.
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  8. #8
    Elite Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilyC View Post
    We don't know what a full MC female is like but we will find out soon enough.
    Girls are too clever for their own good - I can't believe the mischief Shadow and Moonlight get up to! Shadow tends to sit and observe, taking it all in an planning what she's going to do. You can see her thinking....
    Sunshine boy is just a clown!
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  9. #9
    Elite Cat
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    I've had cats all my life, but got my first (and definitely not last!) maine coon this year. I've never met a cat with such a huge personality as Kenny - he is so lively and into everything it's untrue. I've mainly had boys because I always thought they were the cuddlier, but I did have a female tortie a few years ago. She had all the attitude of a tortie but was very cuddley, although she was always in charge and would soon nip at you if she had had enough!
    jckkerrison, candes and LilyC like this.

  10. #10
    Cool Cat
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    In the book "The Yankee Cat" the author states that the MCC have very gender oriented personalities, if the boys were human they'd have dirty faces and frogs in their pockets, the girls while extremely gracious, know what they want and are determined to get their way.
    The 15 1/2 years I spent with my beloved Samantha confirms this, she was breathtakingly beautiful and well aware of this fact without being stuck up, it was just a fact.
    She was an absolutely wonderful cat, in her prime she was an amazing athlete, we'd play for hours every evening.
    She was loving, gentle and kind without being needy and she's greatly missed by her Papa.
    jckkerrison, candes and LilyC like this.


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