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Thread: What does your cat play with for fun?

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    What does your cat play with for fun?

    We have decided against buying kitty toys as our two are more interested in my kids toys!! Well sort of. Atlanta likes playing football with a ball or a small teddy bear. Something she can toss about. She even likes watching football on the television! Dakota on the other hand will hunt for one of the hairbands left on the kids table. She will attack, play, push, etc. But the best bit is she likes to play fetch. She'll jump on the sofa drop the hairband and then we throw and she fetches and brings back. I've never known a cat to do this.

    What do your cats do for fun?

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Elvis likes to play in boxes.

    Although I admit that technically that is "sleeping" and not "playing"

    He also likes:

    Chasing the red dot
    Chasing the the beam from a flashlight when he's bored with the red dot.

    Chasing Coco the L0opy Calico

    until she gets bored with being chased around the place by a lumbering goofball twice her size.

    This week they seem to have discovered mice. They're definitely fun ( for the cats )

    I have to watch where I step in my bare feet...

    They don't seem to care for small cat toys. Elvis hasn't gotten bored with this one yet

    They both occasionally play in the Drinkwell, but that's more than a toy...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails What does your cat play with for fun?-ppets-3756598t400.jpg  
    Last edited by claudel; 1st December 2011 at 12:46 PM.
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  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Our Dakota loves playing with "milk doodles" (the tab you remove from plastic milk containers - look like a broken plastic ring). He plays fetch with them and also entertains himself by batting them around. He particularly like them "fresh" (can smell the milk? I dunno). He also likes hair ties/bands that can be tossed or batted. He has a toybox full of toys (kid & kitty), and sometimes digs through them like a little kid, but not often. He sometimes chases an electronic hamster in a plastic ball that we got him last Christmas, but he easily gets bored if he can't interact with things. I have to agree that most kitty toys do not interest him for long. His brother, Blue loves to carry around plastic bags and airpacks that come in shipping boxes. He will carry them throughout the house, meowing the entire time (quite comical). They both love boxes too!

    I have to caution use of toys on a string - as Dakota loved them as a kitten and would "hunt out" the toys. When he was about 6 months old, he found one of them in a drawer, got it out, and somehow got tangled up in it dangling by his hind leg because it got caught on a cabinet handle. Had we not been there to rescue him, this could have been disastrous, and this experience terrified him. We now lock these types of toys up, and only play with them (and Dakota) supervised.

    I've never had cats that play fetch before either, but both of these guys do, and only one is an MC. I've heard that cats do this, but it is quite common w/MCs in general.

    My experience is that he is much more curious than any other cat we've ever had, and can get into trouble easily - but so does his brother. I think they teach each other new tricks constantly. They open cabinet doors & drawers just to see what they can get into. They would open the doors going outside if they could, as we have caught them trying to maneuver the knobs several times (our exterior doors are all dead-bolted). They are very entertaining, but we watch them closely.

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  4. #4
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    Larry loves the scouring pad from the kitchen sink. He's obsessed with it. As a result, it's never near the sink when I want to use it. He takes it all over the house and garden. I've got through hundreds of them.

    All of them love a scrunched-up biscuit wrapped especially if it's foil-based, eg, Clubs or Tunnock's caramel wafers. But if you scrunch it too tightly, forget it! Got to be nice and loose.

    And the more cardboard boxes, the better! All sorts of games can be devised in Cardboard City. Sometimes I turn a box upside down and cut a hole in the side to make things more interesting. They can't resist squeezing through the hole to get inside, hide, go to sleep, ambush the others, etc.

  5. #5
    Elite Cat
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    Sunshine likes the sponge from the kitchen sink too - and him and Moonlight are always grabbing at the tea towel when I'm drying up! Shadow tends to carry things around - usually the recycling that's ready to go outside (toilet rolls, deodorant cans etc). She loves running into the bedroom to see what she can grab and run off with (usually a little bag of guitar plectrums!). Moonlight likes bashing the windchime...and chewing everything in sight (thought she'd grow out of that but she's 14mths old now and still at it!). They've all had a go at shoe laces, hair, feet, fingers, dad's bald head....!
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  6. #6
    Ãœber Cat
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    Raggles with play fetch with just about any thing, but loves scrunched up lotto tickets!
    Pomeroy loves the plastic "loops" that hold 4 beer cans together.
    Tilly & Tia go mad for the red laser dot.
    Little Dot loves anything any of the others are playing with at the time!!
    They ALL love cardboard boxes.
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  7. #7
    The Quiet Kitten
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    My Buddy Boy LOVES wrapped candy!!! Or anything with a wrapper on it like fortune cookies, but he mostly loves the candy. He is always raiding my candy dish and taking what he wants moving whatever is in his way to get to the ONE he wants!!! I now have to put the candy dish up as I was tired of finding candy all over the place. He also loves bags of any kind!!

    My other kitty (not a maine coon) LOVES the twit ties off of the bread bag!!! She can keep herself occupied for hours!!!

  8. #8
    Ãœber Cat
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    Those light ping-pong type balls are popular with Mufasa. He also loves his fluffy squirrel we brought back from the US this year and I like it because it has velcro to enable you to replace the catnip. His all time favourite though is his first ever toy and he still plays with it and uses it as his security blanket:

    Cheese Chase 3-in-1 Cat Toy by Petstages | Pets at Home

  9. #9
    Elite Cat
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    Kenny loves the laser pointer - as soon as I get it out of the drawer he's up and ready for the red dot. He also likes to play with anything in a plastic wrapper and large flat bottle tops.
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  10. #10
    Elite Cat
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    Just got up to find an empty vegeburger box outside the bedroom door - guess that was last night's toy!
    candes and Jennifer Proniske like this.


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