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Thread: Do cats need us to give them baths???

  1. #11
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Carmichael, California, United States
    Thanked 31 Times in 31 Posts
    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer Proniske View Post
    I do have a slicker brush but I have never tried doing it the opposite way of the fur.....I will be trying that very soon ;) Thanks

    and cooncatbob--I cannot find a groomer that grooms cats....they have all told me they do not groom cats. And I called 5 different places and they all told me to take him to the vet to get groomed which I thought was absolutely crazy considering I called them too and they wanted to charge me almost a hundred dollars to do it. So thats when my fiance decided to do it
    My groomer doesn't do many cats, only good kitties like Samantha, she's been scratched and bitten in the past.
    She only charged me $25, $30 if she was badly matted, I'd always give a generous tip.
    They would always schedule me before or after the dogs and get her in and out in about 90 minutes.
    They were very good to me and loved Samantha, I've got to go by there and let them know Samantha passed away, I think I'll print them up my favorite picture of her.


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