my little "girl" turned out to be a little BOY LOL
So i have a male maine coon who will be 7 hes a sweetie pie actually ive only had good luck with boy maine coons. So when i called my breeder she told me she had 3 lil girls left i was hestitate but went and looked at them. The minute i walked in this beautiful little fluffy"girl" coonie came running to me purring and wanting to be held. This kitten is a brown tabby and i am partial to silver grey mackrels but the kitten was so affectionate i chose it instantly.(actually it chose me) sooooo today i took it to the vet to only be told my beloved pouncy is actually a he instead of a she. I think the vet thought i was a little wacky because i was so over joyed. His testicles havent dropped yet which is why my breeder didnt realize she was a he. Neverthless my little boy is so sweet and loving he rode in my lap the whole way to the vet hes the best kitty in the whole world. When i called my breeder to tell her she was so apologetic she wanted to refund my $ or trade him for a girl! I told her i couldnt trade him for the world.