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Thread: My little boy acts like a human LOL

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  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
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    My little boy acts like a human LOL

    When my little pouncy is feeling like himself (hes sick at the moment) he acts like a little human...he listens intently as I talk to him,
    he follows me around from room to room he likes to be carried like a newborn baby! I have had other maine coons in the past however none
    have been this affectionate! I dont know how I ever lived without him! Does anyone else have a coonie this lovey?

  2. #2
    Cool Cat
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    Hope that Pouncy is feeling better soon. When our MC was sick he was affectionate to beat all kitties. Now that he's better, our MC hates to be held, cuddled, kissed, pet, etc. by us. He'll allow anyone else to hold, nuzzle, and cuddle him. We can't even carry him from one room to another without him trying to escape our clutches. He does follow us from room to room as he loves being with people. He even talks by meowing or cackling at us. But he is only affectionate on his terms only. We are not allowed to cuddle him or pet him unless he asks for it. I hate that fact that he isn't affectionate toward us. My moggies loved to be loved. Our MC only loves on his terms. Of course any love from a MC is greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    Happy Kitten
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    Both my boys are very affectionate and just like dogs, they follow me around and where I am they are, and as soon as I sit they get up next to me. Charlie likes to be craddled upside down like a baby - as much as possible!! They are both really chatty and if you arent in the room will call for you.

    Daisy isnt as affectionate but is still cuddly and very demanding when she wants a cuddle! We have a 5 year old daughter and they all love to be cuddled by her and Daisy sits up with her most times.

    My other two are moggies, Amber is our naughtie tortie and an outdoor cat until the evening when she demands to cuddle up, and Dave well is just Dave bless him, not a lot going on upstairs but he is still lovely.

    I hope your coonie is better, I hate it when they are ill.
    Howlinbob likes this.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Hope Pouncy is better soon.

    Kenny's affections towards us are very much on his own terms. Just lately he's actually been jumping up on my lap and sitting for a short while, maybe because it's winter and he wants more cuddles, I don't know. I just love the way he talks to us, just like a little human with different sounding meows dependong on what you're talking to him about. I've never known a cat like it. My other two cats are moggies and they are more affection in the traditional way. One of them likes nothing bettr than curling up around your neck muzzling you, and the other one purrs for England whenever you stroke him.




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