New baby!!!!! woooo hoooooo!!!
Hi all,
just wanted to come on her and tell someone....anyone! about my new baby!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
i know you guys will be happy and excited for me and i can safely shout about him without tempting fate. my husband is resigned to my love for the cats but fails to be excited and i dont want to share it too much in real life just in case is dosent happen.
he is a Black solid boy and he is "hopefully" going to be a show neuter. if all is well im going to collect him at 13 weeks old on the 2nd january and my best cat buddy is coming with me to collect him.
i have always wanted a solid black as there is a certain something special about them and after looking for so long he seems to have finally found me.
im desperate to post the pictures i have of him but i know that sometimes things happen and kittens cant leave home or his breeder my decide he is simply not up to her standards as a show boy and not let me have him :sad2:.
but im soooooo excited i just cant think anything will go wrong, im imagining him here cuddled up with us on the sofa, playing with our kids, sorting out his place among the girls.
so there MY NEW BOY IS COMING!!!!:LOL: i feel a bit better now.
thanks :shy: