1 Attachment(s)
Our wee boy is one of Gypsy's litter :) She defo has attitude! :D
Have you met Maverick? He is the most gorgeous Maine Coon with an amazing personality... I would try to steal him if they didn't notice him missing! heehee! :D
We're heading back up in two weeks to see our babies again, next time we see them after that will be to bring them home :D
Our wee girl: Attachment 4773
Aww she's gorgeous look at her wee face! hehehe Oh yeah when I was up seeing Nero Maverick was demanding cuddles along with most of the others, I was being suffocated by Coonies! Then I had nero lying behind me rearranging my hair. lol! Maverick is a lot like my boy Bullet, a nightmare to brush, a bit mad but a lovebug all the same. lol
It's so exciting waiting to bring your baby home isn't it? Takes forever for the time to come too! Getting 2 together is a great idea, I wish I'd done that with Bullet but hopefully him and Nero will be best buds and he'll have a fellow Coonie to play with.
Yeah we are super excited. Seems like it's forever away but luckily we are only an hour drive down the road and Myke n Julie have been fantastic with letting us visit :)
Taking the mother in law up next week, she is already considering a coonie... I know she'll want more than one after the visit :D
Sounds like Nero has taken a wee liking to you. heehee! :) Just about to post a video up from our visit :)
Yeah they're really friendly and patient when it comes to a people like me. lol! I was terrible for constantly asking about Bullet. lol Will have to go see the video! Hopefully Nero has taken a liking to me, I waited to see if he would come to me as I wouldn't take a cat who didn't come near me. Need to have a connection of some sort I think.
Aw bet your mother in law ends up with at least one Coonie. They are very addictive!!
yeah I know what you mean :) cats choose their owners.
when you go to collect Nero my two will be running around downstairs so you'll get a wee nose at them :)
Aww that'll be braw, I'll give them a little squeeze for ya. lol!
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