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Bullet update
Hey guys, I know I haven't been online for a long time but with laptops dying and looking after the cats and kids I haven't had a minute. Got a couple pics of Bullet, not great but I think they show his progress. lol I'll try and get better ones soon! Also my hubby isnt squishing him there, he's just all fur! lol
Attachment 4680Attachment 4681
And just for fun, here's my rescue exotic shorthair, Mr Squishy! lol
Attachment 4682
Oh and hopefully on Friday I shall have an absolutely stunning 9 month old black and white Coonie called Nero joining the family. Going to see him next week. Eeep!
Thanks for the update photos Bullet is certainly growing into a big handsome lad & as for Mr Squishy just luv that belly.
Can we hope for pictures of the new arrival Nero if he joins the family please & being busy is no excuse for not keeping us updated & if you have laptop problems you just hi-jack someone elses....x
Thanks, I may be biased but I think Bullet is gorgeous! lol Mr. Squishy is only 6 months old but act like an old man so he's a bit of a fatty. He was suffering froma lot of problems when I got him so don't think he felt like playing, the last few weeks he's been acting more like a kitten thankfully so hopefully will lose a bit of weight soon. lol
Oh I will deffo put pics up of the new boy if I get him. He is a very handsome lad!
I know it's been terrible with the laptop, got it repaired twice but it just kept dying so got a new one last week. I swear I'm going to get myself a desktop again, they're mmuch more reliable.
Oooh I love Mr Squishy!! (am I allowed to say that on an MC forum?!)
So glad he's getting his kitten hood back with you.
Bullet is a gorgeous big lad btw x
Um, can we go off-topic and see more pictures of the adorably-named Mr Squishy?
Random question, but did you get him from
Myke and Julie? looked at the kitten pics and looks like their kitten room :) x
I'll try and get some more pics of Squishy but he's actually very difficult to get a pic of, he usually turns his face just as you click the button. lol!
Audrey yup Bullet from the lovely Myke and Julie. Getting Nero from them too but he's not one of their babies. Went to see Nero on Saturday, he's gorgeous in person and I can't wait to bring him home!
myke has emailed a pic of Nero before to me. gorgeous cat :)
my partner and I are getting our first coonies from them. ready to come home end of january. so excited :)
Aww really? Who's your babies Mummy if you don't mind me asking? Nero is deffo a handsome boy, as soon as I saw him I wanted him, he has an amazing muzzle and huge ears! Not to mention the lovely hair rearrangement I got from him. lol
We have two wee kittens waiting to come home. 'Wee' silver/brown boy (colour still changing and 1kg already lol) called Jager, and a wee red silver girl. We were up at theirs on Sunday so got more pics to upload :)
Just being around Myke and Julies cats makes you want more. So glad we decided to go for Maine Coons now. When do you get to bring Nero home? :)
Aww your babies sound lovely! Bullet is a red silver too. He looks a lot like his Dad I think. Myke and Julie are holding onto Nero for me until after the whole excitement of Christmas so will be getting him in January. I love all their cats but have a soft spot for Gypsy. She is so feisty and beautiful! lol Think I'd have all their cats if I could.
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Our wee boy is one of Gypsy's litter :) She defo has attitude! :D
Have you met Maverick? He is the most gorgeous Maine Coon with an amazing personality... I would try to steal him if they didn't notice him missing! heehee! :D
We're heading back up in two weeks to see our babies again, next time we see them after that will be to bring them home :D
Our wee girl: Attachment 4773
Aww she's gorgeous look at her wee face! hehehe Oh yeah when I was up seeing Nero Maverick was demanding cuddles along with most of the others, I was being suffocated by Coonies! Then I had nero lying behind me rearranging my hair. lol! Maverick is a lot like my boy Bullet, a nightmare to brush, a bit mad but a lovebug all the same. lol
It's so exciting waiting to bring your baby home isn't it? Takes forever for the time to come too! Getting 2 together is a great idea, I wish I'd done that with Bullet but hopefully him and Nero will be best buds and he'll have a fellow Coonie to play with.
Yeah we are super excited. Seems like it's forever away but luckily we are only an hour drive down the road and Myke n Julie have been fantastic with letting us visit :)
Taking the mother in law up next week, she is already considering a coonie... I know she'll want more than one after the visit :D
Sounds like Nero has taken a wee liking to you. heehee! :) Just about to post a video up from our visit :)
Yeah they're really friendly and patient when it comes to a people like me. lol! I was terrible for constantly asking about Bullet. lol Will have to go see the video! Hopefully Nero has taken a liking to me, I waited to see if he would come to me as I wouldn't take a cat who didn't come near me. Need to have a connection of some sort I think.
Aw bet your mother in law ends up with at least one Coonie. They are very addictive!!
yeah I know what you mean :) cats choose their owners.
when you go to collect Nero my two will be running around downstairs so you'll get a wee nose at them :)
Aww that'll be braw, I'll give them a little squeeze for ya. lol!
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