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Thread: Visiting Rag dolls - advice please

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Visiting Rag dolls - advice please

    My daughter's rag dolls are coming to stay for Christmas, they have been to us before both with and without my daughter. Being rag dolls they are very laid back and easy going boys, however this is the first time they will have come with my two babies being here. It all sounded fine in theory but the nearer its getting the more anxious I'm getting! My two are 13 months and brother and sister, smaller and much more nervous. The whole problem is made a bit worse by the fact that my 87 year old mother is also coming for a few days, and she is terrified of cats, so we have to keep them out of whatever space she is in as well! Any suggestions will be welcome - my favourite thought at the moment is that I just pack myself and my two angels up, and go and rent a cottage somewhere!

  2. #2
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    would probably agree with your last suggestion - !!!
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  3. #3
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    Sorry mother would have to accept my animals,anyone who knows they are here & accepts an invite fits in with us not the other way round,as for the two visiting cats I think you have to play a wait & see game,my daughter is just about to arrive with her two MC's,the older girl swears at mine & winds them up so it is now accepted practice that she goes to daughters bedroom with her tray & is quite happy to lay on her bed with visits from everyone then when mine go to bed at night she comes down to the sitting room & we all make a fuss of her & give her special time & that is also then her bedroom, her other boy Ozzy just accepts things as they are & goes around with my lot & a look on his face that says "Look at me I'm with the big boys",I was worried about how our new babe would cope but she is so at home we are just going to carry on as normal,even when the dog arrives. Feel sorry for you though,don't tell your mum what I said but if it would be easier to confine her & let the furries get on with things I have got a spare cage I could lend you........ Don't mean that,things will most probaly work out better than you can imagine,
    Antonia and candes like this.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for that, I thought I remembered seeing posts from someone else who had visiting cats. I'm clutching onto the thought that my daughter's boys are much bigger and very laid back so fairly unlikely to cause any problem - the biggest one has a habit of just sitting on anything irritating! My two are very jumpy in fact I was just listening to a radio play when there was a wolf sfx and they both scarpered. We have built a series of shelves with hidey boxes in the alcove next to the fireplace so they could just sit up there and survey the room - more likely to live under the bath for Christmas! I wish I could take the attitude you have with my mum though sadly its either come to me or stay on her own, and she is genuinely petrified of cats. We've managed before with her and cats, but not with her, and visiting cats and home cats! Oh well - Happy Christmas!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    if it would be easier to confine her & let the furries get on with things I have got a spare cage I could lend you........
    That made me chuckle...

    Still, I feel sorry for you Joolz. Hubby and I abolished Xmas and everything that comes with it ages ago. No shopping, cooking grand meals, entertaining relatives. Just us & the furries, some nice logs in the fireplace, and doing whatever we want. Bliss!
    jckkerrison likes this.




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