horrible scare
I had the worst scare of probably my whole life. I thought my mc pouncy
Got outside i was turning beds over looking in every nook in the house...
I was a total nut case hyperventilating....the only other time i felt
That way was when my daughter wandered off at a store.i kept vividly
imagining him outside wet cold scared and evem worse
HUNGRY LOL...my boyfriend found him behind the fridge. He meows
constantly and usually is underfoot. Am i a crazy cat lady or what?
now i find myself constantly worriedd about him its insane :(
I know what you mean about the quiet ones and what it is like when you can't find them. Mine disappeard a couple of months back. He was cat napped by my friends son. I was so relieved when I found out where he was
Glad he was found safe and sound, what a scare to give mummy, naughty kitty :LOL:
I know the feeling, though, im constantly checking, just to see he is alright and where i can see him :D
Glad you found him,I was looking for Tia last week,turns out she was sleeping in the washing machine,I left the door open!:LOL:
Cats are more a handful than dogs.....
Samantha had a secret snoozing place that I never found, I frantically search the house room by room without finding her then I'd turn around and there she'd be.
"Is it dinner time Papa?"
Thats part of their appeal:winkwink:
We nicknamed our cat "Houdini" as we'd check everywhere and not find him. All of a sudden he is laying in the center of the room with cattitude looking as though he was laying there forever.
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