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Thread: Is this normal?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Southern California
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Is this normal?

    Hello. (hope this is not too long winded)

    I need some advice. I may just be a nervous new mama? We adopted *Gracy* from the animal shelter on Tuesday. It was a pretty horrible place. NO fault of the shelter, but the are one of the highest *kill* shelters in L.A. County due to the amount of dumps they get. Anyway, my new little Maine Coon (mix?) had been there for a few days and was set to be euthenized. One of the animal rescue groups sent out a HAIL MARY pass on Facebook and we saw her. I figured......"What the heck" and told my daughter to get in the car we're taking a road trip . The lovely volunteer asked me if I would get her as soon as she got out of surgery so she would not have to go back into the cold compound cage (coed with barking dogs). SO, we picked her up. She's been here for almost 3 days. Shes eating like a starving baby and purring like crazy, but she does not want to engage in any play? She just wants to hang with us on the couch/bed/lap in front of the fire or on the electric blanket. She is not moving around too much? She is using litter box.

    Is this ok? I have no idea how fast they adapt from a spay or new surroundings?

    Any tips?

    Thank you so much (in advance)




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