dogs and cats......help!
So my newly adopted kitty is sweet, but my young German Shepherd (10 months) is not being nice. I cannot trust him at this point. Any tips? We keep them apart, but I really want him to accept her. Could he just be a cat hater?
Anyone deal with this? He's great with little dogs and kids......
THANK YOU! It was really just the first time they got to meet face to face. She's been here about 1 week now and yes, his chase drive is high! But, I think he will come around. Slow slow slow.
When my last cat arrived and met my dog for the first time, i think my dog was more nervous!, All i can suggest is much the same. For you to be there when there together. Slowly introducing to each other and give your dog attention infront of the kitten and visa versa.. Its like having a second child, making sure the first doesnt feel left out! good luck im sure it will be fine in a few weeks and they will be best of friends.
thanks everyone. I HAVE to make it work. My dog is still a baby (10 months) BUT HUGE. He's also at that *full of beans" age. We are an "animal" house so everyone has to get along. I think the problem is my barn cats (2) have gave him a run for his money. They are busy outside/barn cats working to eliminate rats/rattlesnakes and he's not been able to get near them. They don't mess around. He keeps the coyotes from them, but they will not give him the time of day. I live on 2 acres that borders a mountain range. Grace is an indoor kitty and he's confused I'm sure.
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My dogue de bordeaux was 6 years old when he came to us first cat.She did not like cats.But the firm "DO NOT"resulted invery quickly. Now......see herself as in our house looks.
I'm going through the same thing Right now. I've had my kitten for almost a week and my 110lb lab for 7years. He grew up with a cat who just passed away. I thought it would be love at first site but it has been more difficult than I imagined. The kitten was almost trampled and eaten and the dog nearly lost an eye. It's getting much better. They don't love each other yet but they are tolerating each other. I try to keep the experience positive for my dog who is jealous. I praise him like crazy when he's good with the cat and he wants to Please me so it's been getting better. I would not trust them together without supervision yet but I'm sure in time it will be fine. And Candes I do know of someone who came home to their cat dead from being mauled by their two huskies. Unfortunately it can happen.
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