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4th January 2012, 04:42 PM #1
Update on our Christmas Shenanigans!
Day 1. Well, daughter arrived with her two beautiful laid back Ragdoll boys who languidly exited their pet carriers, stretched and came to say hello. Noah disappeared as fast as possible and Flo turned into a hissing, spitting harridan who also disappeared. Raggies totally unperturbed had a look around, stretched out and went to sleep. That night Raggies slept in daughter's room with the door firmly shut.
Day 2 continued with Noah still keeping a low profile, Flo stalking and swearing at much bigger Raggies, who wisely decided to stay close to their Mum and keep out of the way of the little firebrand.
Day 3. The arrival of the Grannies - Raggies in daughter's room; Noah in other bedroom and then my husband shut Flo in the bathroom forgetting that the door doesnt shut tightly and Flo is the Houdini of our household. Re-assured that all feline visitors were safely shut in, I supervise the entry of the Grannies and Granny stuff leaving the front door open. Grannies safely settled in living room with hall door shut I go to release my babies - but can't find Flo. Then follows the worst couple of hours whilst we look for my very very precious indoor, never gone out, we live on a busy main road, kitty. Other daughter arrives, having not brought her 4 moggies (phew, thank god) but bringing the voice of sanity instead.
So we have, me - tearful convinced I've lost my precious baby for good.
my husband - guilty, blaming himself
One Granny who is petrified of cats, hasnt realised that instead of the two she thinks are in the house, there are actually four, whittering on about her own fears
Other Granny demanding tea. making unhelpful comments and ensuring that she is never invited anywhere ever again
One daughter out looking
One daughter insisting that the cat is very probably in the house and it would be better to remain calm (Iwould have agreed with her if it hadnt been for that bathroom door found ajar and the front door open)
Does this story have a happy ending? Yes, but not until we had taken the side off the bath and found a hole in the floorboards, they came up as well and there she was - eventually enticed out by the sound of her favourite toy.
We kept the cats separate from each other and the Grannies during the day and having locked one Granny in her room and taken the other off to a hotel, let them mingle under supervision during the evening until daughter went to bed and took her two with her.
It got better once the Grannies had gone home on 27th, Noah was fine as long as he knew where the Raggies were at all times, the Raggies were just interested and Flo confined herself to the occasional hiss.
We all breathed a sigh of relief when the Raggies went home though, although i think it would have kept on improving it was a bit stressful for all of us.