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Thread: There is NO way you are comfortable...

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    BC, Canada
    Thanked 16 Times in 16 Posts

    There is NO way you are comfortable...

    sleeping there! There is a comfy, soft and plush bed that belongs to mummy and daddy to sleep in.

    My kids sleep and climb into the smallest boxes and baskets that they can find. I do think most cats do this but I think MC's are cuter when they do it cuz they are bigger, except for Maya.

    I bought this wicker basket/box home for strictly their toys. Well, Tequila decided he wanted to use it as his bed. Then Maya decided that she had to get into it as well after big bro was done. At least she fits into it and has room to move. Not like Teak-zillz (my husband calls Tequila that cuz he's so big).

    Attachment 4919Attachment 4920Attachment 4921Attachment 4922Attachment 4923

    Maya then decides that the old toy basket was good enough to lay in. She was curled up and sleeping but my action of turning on the camera woke her up.

    Attachment 4924

    Maya sleeping in a random box I kept for them to play in.

    Attachment 4925

    Tuckered out playing with the Bergan's turbo track, Maya needed a nap but the slaves' bed is too far away and she didn't want to move that far.

    Attachment 4926

    Just thought I'd share. They are happy and content, that is all that matters. No matter where they are sleeping.




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