Blue vs silver
My two girls are registered as blue tortie tabby with white. When we first saw them on the breeder's site they were described as silver tortie and white. I noticed on the colour listings for coonies that there isn't a silver tortie tabby although I've seen lots of coonies described as being this colour!
Not that it matters one bit, but I'm just curious.....is there a silver tortie?? And if so what's the difference between silver and blue?
Also our boy Sunshine is registered as red classic tabby with white. I wouldn't say he has any white but I'm guessing the little bit of white on his chin makes it so?
Probably really basic questions but I don't know!!! I'm still learning so much about coonies and pedigree cats in general after having had them for 16months - we had moggies before (life was so simple then..!)
This site may help you:
Maine Coon Colors
I have a silver tabby boy, a brown with white classic tabby boy, and a black smoke with white girl.
And I have been promised another yes!!! I love showing them, and am thinking a red or pink this time or cream hmmm decisions decision.
Glad you are enjoying your coonies, as you say so different from moggies, of which we have 2!
Well the difference in blue and silver may seem quite minor, but actually blue is a dilute brown, and silver is a base colour, so blue silver, would be blue with silvery undercoat, black silver is black with silver base coat, blue [tabby] would be grey with darker grey and often a brownish or cream tinge, as it is 'dilute' brown. To have silver in the coat at least one parent MUST show silver, to be blue BOTH parents must carry dilute, but not necessarily BE dilute, confused now? LOL
Silver tortie tabby is a recognised colour, but in different registries can be called, silver patch tabby, black silver tortie tabby, silver torbie, to name just a few, in FIFe reigistry the symbol for silver tortie is fs followed by 09 if with white then 23 or 22 to denote whether mackerel or blotched tabby [classic] Some registries also accept a little white under the chin in red tabbies as 'normal' others will register as 'with white' but if it is an obvious white locket, then yes, he is with white. There are several sites that explain the genetics of colour, but it can be hard going if you are not studying it for a reason, such as a breeeder would ;-)) it takes time, but it does all fall into place eventually
Oh dear, my head is spinning! LOL!
Yes mine too - but it's fascinating :)
I think my next one will have to be white - just white - now don't tell me there are different variations of white!!!!
Having rescued Mufasa without any papers, I have no idea what his official colour is! All I know is he has a red back shaded into a cream tummy with striped front legs. Is he red, tabby, smoke, red and cream - I have no idea? I don't know how to find out either :sad1:
No you're safe with that one! Although there is a different code for different eye colours. Allowed in Solid Whites are: blue 64 14, orange 64 14a, odd 64 14b & green 64 14c. Alfie in my avatar is 64 14c. I've never had his colour queried - well not so far anyway :LOL:
Samantha's description with the TICA was as a Blue Classic Torbie and with the CFA as Blue Patched Tabby.
While her main color was blueish gray, it was frosted and looked different colors from different angles.
When her picture was taken with a flash this frosting was highlighted and her tabby marking obscured.
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