Careful with "Da Bird" Some kitties go absolutely bonkers, MCC are capable of some amazing leaps and can do considerable damage in the endeavor to caputure Da Bird.
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A month has passed already... geez! What a difference that month makes! :suprised:
The two of them have certainly come out their shells the last couple of weeks. Amazing how different they are but they are unseperable.
Jager is the big clumsy one who will do anything for a cuddle. He wont sleep at night until he's cuddled up and a paw in my hand. Doesnt work if it's dad cuddling him... it's cute the now but I might think differently in the summer months with a 10kg cuddling in. lol!
Scramble is so quiet in comparison but when she has her wee mad half an hour, boy does she change! haha! :D
Both are growing well and Jager is starting to look a bit bigger than our wee girl already :)
They are both gorgeous and what lovely photos you have posted.
How did they get on with Da Bird? Hope your house is still intact!!