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Thread: New Habit of Rubbing the TV

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    New Habit of Rubbing the TV

    For some reason Whiskey has decided that he needs to rub our flat screen plasma TV with the pads of his front paws. Luckily he doesn't use his nails. He's gotten into the habit a few weeks ago. Whenever we turn the TV on, he'll come up to it, stand on his hind legs, and rub the screen with his front paws. After giving the TV a good rub down, he will lay in front of it and watch the programs. He doesn't do this with the flat screen computer monitor.

    We don't know why he does this but have come up with some reasons why: He's clearing off the smudges or adding more. Pehaps the pads of his feet were cold and he needed to warm them. Is he hoping that the genie will pop out of the bottle and grant him 3 wishes?

    We're not happy with his new habit as we're afraid he may bring out a nail or two and ruin the screen.




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