Re:spill proof water bowl
All behind I know but have just caught up on this thread,anybody found that spill proof water bowl yet & any ideas on stopping the cats paddling in it anyway...
We have a fountain in one room & they either swipe the water off the dome or lay with their front feet around it getting soaking wet watching the bubbles & as for open bowls I get fed up with mopping the floor after them especially when two of them have a water fight.
Interesting the note someone made about not using plastic bowls because of germs,we had a cat in at work many years ago,violent diarrhoea,all types of tests later,food changes & every drug the vet could come up with cat still violent diarrhoea although happy inself,owners about to give up & have cat PTS as they couldn't rehome with that problem & with three young children just couldn't cope,the dreaded day arrived & they came but said they were going to cancel the appointment as for the last five days everything had been getting better & that morning poos were fine,so we then had 20 questions as to what was different & jokingly the vet said have you been feeding it off of your finest china,penny dropped,about two weeks previous they had thrown out the plastic dishes because they were so rough hadn't replaced because of what might be going to happen,cat fed off of china saucer & water in a china cereal bowl,we had hit the jackpot cat went on to live until it was sixteen years old only saw it for boosters & never had another plastic dish.For that reason alone I have never used a plastic dish for any of my animals .....