Crossing fingers (and toes) that all continues to go well! So sorry for your loss. I believe in fate (most of the time)!
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Crossing fingers (and toes) that all continues to go well! So sorry for your loss. I believe in fate (most of the time)!
I missed this but that gave me the benefit of reading the whole story. I'm so pleased that Eric is settling in now, he looks lovely!
Thank you all for your encouragement and suggestions. Eric really is settling in so well now, in fact he's just come up to see why I am tapping away on my keyboard when he thinks he should be sitting on it! He's started to eat a bit more and is chattering away to us all. I got a Feliway diffuser yesterday so I shouldn't think it's that working already, but maybe it is, in which case I highly recommend it! Here he is doing what all MC's like to do - sitting in the bath.
Attachment 5259
He is handsome. Hoping that everything continues to go smoothly. Poor dear must have been scared when he 1st came home, but sounds like he is fitting in.
We have now taken official ownership of Eric and I'm pleased to say it's like he's always been here. Kenny and him get on so well and chase each other around the house - it sounds like a herd of elephants going up and down the stairs! They sleep together and eat together now and are best buddies. I feel blessed. Here's a photo taken yesterday of "double trouble"
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