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16th February 2012, 11:23 PM #1
Kenny has a new friend
I'm using the word "friend" very loosely here.
My dear moggie Bobby, who was only 4 and a half, had to be put to his forever sleep at the weekend after suffering seizures and haemorraging because his blood wasn't clotting. We are really devastated as he was such an affectionate part of our family. In a coincidence that's hard to believe, while we were at the vets we came across a very nice lady who was trying to find a new home for her 5 year old maine coon as there were so many problems with his relationship with her dog. We have been thinking about getting another MC because as you all know one is never enough, and it seemed so strange to come across this person.
To cut a long story short Eric has now come to live with us. He is a beautiful boy, red silver tabby, but slightly lighter in markings than Kenny, and we are doing our best to settle him in. I've read previous topics about introducing a new at into the household and have indeed done this several times in the past. Kenny is curious but absolutely fine about it. Eric is findint it quite hard to adjust at the moment, and resorts to hissing whenever Kenny comes near him. Can't blame him, he must be quite stressed out, not having lived with other cats before. He's been here two days and hasn't really eaten anything yet, but he is making himself at home as best he can. I'm hoping he will settle and become an integrated part of our family. The agreement at the moment is that if he doesn't settle he will go back, so there's no obligation, but if we do decide to keep him she will transfer ownership to me.
Interesting days ahead! Will post photos when I get some.