I think...
Love the photos :AddEmoticons0097:
Winston just tends to push his bowl around. Not big into waterplay!
Can I ask where you got the weighing scales?
I'm sorry I can't tell you... the photos at the breeder. The breeder sent me the photos this morning and I just had to share.
That's so sweet, lovely photos - haven't seen Simba doing that. He stepped in his poo this morning and I had to wash his back legs under the tap - didn't like that at all! He has spent the last half hour washing himself - so I don't think he is a water babe:LOL:
Gryfn looks like he's coming on lovely how long now until he comes home ?
What a little sweetie!
Ours does that too, dips in paw and licks it, hates water though from dripping sources
What a sweetie, love the pictures.
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