Mine are such serious headbutters, I am lucky I am not concussed most of the time!!
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Oh yes. The most violent headbutts are from Monty when I am trying to eat my dinner.
Cupboard love is alive and well in our house!
Galena loves to head butt. It is a lovely sign of affection!
My new boy Nero does this all the time, to such an extent he made me bleed! lol He has a solid head though and a bit of weight to throw behind it. lol My female, Bullet has never ever headbutted. She's more of the 'you should feel honoured I allow you to touch me' sort of kitty. She's gorgeous and she knows it...thats the vibe I get from Bullet. lol Don't get me wrong she loves draping herself over you and demanding attention but her thing is more lying there looking at you and going 'Well?! I demand snuggles NOW!'
Louie, my white MC will headbutt me using his nose and against my lips, it's like he's kissing me. This is a rare occurrence and only when he is in the mood.