Finally home.... Lunaris Mylo Xyloto aka Buddy...
Thanks to Jean and Ron x.
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Finally home.... Lunaris Mylo Xyloto aka Buddy...
Thanks to Jean and Ron x.
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What a handsome little lad, hope you have years of fun together.
How exciting! He is adorable and look at those huge ears. Wishing you many happy and healthy years with him!
The long wait is finally over, welcome to Norfolk Buddy,have fun all of you....x
awww what a lovely boy.
if my Miller is anything to go by you will have a fantastic cat there.
Lunaris cats rule :smile:
He's absolutely gorgeous I'm getting all broody here :shy:
he is a gorgoeous cutie..hope u together have years n years of fun..he is sooooooo cute..guess he is settled well..the Prince him..hugs for the cutie..n thnx 4 the upload.
Hey, that is a lovable little fluffbaby, Welcome home Buddy! :)
What a lovely boy! He has a great face and a great colour - hello Buddy!
He is very handsome congrats xx
thanks for the comments. He has spent a few hours behind the sofa! but now is starting to coming out more. He has enjoyed sitting in the sun on the cat tree this morning. feels like his always been here!
He is absolutely gorgeous! Bet you will soon be getting lots of fluffy cuddles x
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A couple of update pics of Buddy..
His grown so much, loves his food and his big brother.
He is adorable and looks oh so happy in his new home - lucky kitten!
Big paws to grow into Buddy,so pleased that mum has put an update on....x
took him to the vets on friday so the nurse could check him over, and she said that his gonna be a big boy!, i dont think he will be as big as your boys Jckerrison!.
Very jealous, I want another MC :)! So cute! Welcome home and congrats! xx
OOhh, he's gorgeous! What colour is he going to be one day? Seeing him is making me long to have another MC kitten!!!
the breeder thought he was going to be a brown tabby when he was born, but he is silver with a darker back and black feet!. his daddy is a supreme champion and his a cream colour.
He looks so fluffy!!!!!
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Latest pics of Buddy!
Hi Buddy you are growing into a handsome lad,looking forward to hopefully meeting you next Sunday...x
Absolutely precious -- and growing so fast! Gotta luv him!
What a sweet face! He's lovely.
Such a handsome boy! He looks so big.
*melt* What a precious boy! On a side note, I have to leave this thread now-its making me jealous!
We cant wait to catch up either!
thanks for the comments. Picture of my two boys last night. My son had just played in a football tournament! so very tired.x
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Wow he's grown loads, he's totally gorgeous :)
What cute boy! But be sure he will be very big :):)
At long last have got to meet Buddy in the fur,a lovely laid back boy who we obviously bored to bits as when he went to sleep a herd of elephants would not have woken him,was funny to see his feline mate Oscar make the most of that time to catch up on his sleep too.Thanks Wendy & cuddles to them both...x
Buddy looks wonderful, and such great markings x
Attachment 6725Attachment 6726Attachment 6727 Buddys family