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Thread: MC Elvis is a Jumper

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    MC Elvis is a Jumper

    Lately he's been showing off.

    He jumps from the floor to the top of the refrigerator ( 5' 6" ) like jumping onto the curb.

    He also has been jumping from a kitchen chair that's 4 feet away to the top of the fridge.

    All four feet on top easily with room to spare.. No pullups or anything.

    I'm not sure what started it.

    I walked in the kitchen one day and he just took off....

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    That's not jumping, that's defying gravity.
    Bit scary though... I'm glad mine don't jump that high or else I'd have to put up taller fences around the garden.

  3. #3
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    Hey, that is some jump!
    Monty is our ace jumper - he leaps up 4 or 5 feet with ease. It's quite something to see it.
    Usually he goes from the kitchen table to the top of the high bookcase, then lounges around up there looking down on us all, with a big smug grin on his face.

  4. #4
    Cool Cat
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    Many MCC like the high ground where they can survey their domain and keep an eye on us lowly human servants.

  5. #5
    Elite Cat
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    Maya is a jumper. She jumped from the cat tree to the kitchen counter which is about 5 feet away. She kinda freaked me out cuz I was doing something and all the sudden a cat appeared out of nowhere and the last glance of her was on the tree.So now, she's into jumping up onto the counters.
    Now, we're hesitant to let her go onto the deck without a harness and leash and supervision. 4 stories high is a little scary to me if she's a jumper.

  6. #6
    Active Cat
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    some mcs just like jumping ( or are just good at it )

    Floyd can easily jump onto the top of a door from a virtual standstill and just sits there feeling very pleased with himself ........................ until the door shuts

  7. #7
    Elite Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonia View Post
    That's not jumping, that's defying gravity.
    Bit scary though... I'm glad mine don't jump that high or else I'd have to put up taller fences around the garden.
    I wish I could let Elvis out, but I have foxes in the area and a geriatric pitbull upstairs that still chases cats.

    Blind, deaf, arthritic, no teeth left, 15 years old, but he won't give it up.

    Elvis hates him and tries to attack him whenever he sees him...

    Weird, because he gets along fine with the other dogs ( and everyone else ) he's been around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Howlinbob View Post
    Hey, that is some jump!
    Monty is our ace jumper - he leaps up 4 or 5 feet with ease. It's quite something to see it.
    Usually he goes from the kitchen table to the top of the high bookcase, then lounges around up there looking down on us all, with a big smug grin on his face.
    Elvis always takes a bow to the audience after one of his performances.

    Quote Originally Posted by cooncatbob View Post
    Many MCC like the high ground where they can survey their domain and keep an eye on us lowly human servants.
    Yeah. I have lots of high cat shelves for Elvis & Coco around the place, too. She hasn't made it to the top of the fridge yet, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by LilyC View Post
    Maya is a jumper. She jumped from the cat tree to the kitchen counter which is about 5 feet away. She kinda freaked me out cuz I was doing something and all the sudden a cat appeared out of nowhere and the last glance of her was on the tree.So now, she's into jumping up onto the counters.
    Now, we're hesitant to let her go onto the deck without a harness and leash and supervision. 4 stories high is a little scary to me if she's a jumper.
    Elvis is still a bit clumsy at times. I wouldn't I'd trust him at altitude. He can jump, but I doubt he can glide...

    Quote Originally Posted by F,S & N View Post
    some mcs just like jumping ( or are just good at it )

    Floyd can easily jump onto the top of a door from a virtual standstill and just sits there feeling very pleased with himself ........................ until the door shuts
    It's amazing how they can balance.

    He likes to sit on the top of the chair back at times. Even goes to sleep there...

    Quote Originally Posted by candes View Post
    Wow impressive! I would certainly love to see that! Teddy can finally jump pretty well now. But nothing like that! Now Sasha always could jump good even with her crossed eyes. She is my little fearless fly. Quite the risk taker. Some days I am afraid she will snap her neck in two, the way she throws herself around with he neck flapping.
    Sometimes I worry about Elvis when he goes tearing around the house. He's not always under control and bashes into things.

    He seems to concentrate a bit more when he's in the air.
    pralinehalo likes this.




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