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Thread: Do you ever have the urge.... TO shout... and then Scream......

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  1. #1

    Arrow Do you ever have the urge.... TO shout... and then Scream......

    But then do something you really not sure you should have done!?

    Apparently I do this a lot of shouting at the cats, might just be something to do with the fact that I have tinitus in both ears or it could just be that I am loud anyways, either way my kitties don't seem to mind and actually pay no attention to me anyway!!

    Today I gave Seraphina the pill... I just can not take anymore.. This is her 6th call, in about 8 weeks, and I am going out of my mind... I normally can cope with them calling... but she is UNREAL, worse than any Siamese or Abyssinian I have ever known... She is only just 9 month old, she is hardly eating and her new man does not arrive for another couple of weeks...

    And daddy dearest is calling back, and he also takes some beating...

    I really do hope I have not messed up... its the very first time I have ever given a maiden the pill.....

    Has anyone else ever done it??/

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    You have my sympathy with all that yowling. 6 calls in 8 weeks? She is certainly keen!

    I was advised by another breeder to give one of mine the pill a while ago as she was calling at 6 months, but luckily after a couple of calls she went quiet for a while and I didn't need to. Hope it works out for you.

  3. #3
    Top Cat
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    Poor Seraphina, and poor you!
    Not being a breeder I cannot give you advice of course. But I hope the breeders on here can.
    Also, I don’t know if you can write in Dutch but there’s a large Dutch MC forum with lots of very helpful and knowledgeable breeders. I can email or PM you the link if you like.
    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Cool Cat
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    My Ffion was in heat just over a week ago. She's 10months old. She was unbelievable, I have had moggies in heat before but they were never like her. She was yowling and restless 24/7. Trying to get out constantly, and being very aggressive to poor Poif. Shall be nipping her to the vets soon to get that sorted. They originally advised that I wait until the kittens are 1 year, but I am not going through that again. It was horrendous. She stopped after about 5 days thank goodness!

    I feel your pain!
    debbie560 likes this.

  5. #5
    Elite Cat
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    OUCH!! Don't blame you, Ella had her first about 3 weeks ago, lasted for around 5 days and whilst it wasn't difficult to cope with, I can imagine it becoming quite a stressful event if they are that close together.

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
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    Do you ever have the urge.... TO shout... and then Scream......

    Yes I do.

    Every few weeks it comes over me and I can't resist visiting my neighbours' gardens and rolling around on their grass in the dead of night "singing" to them.
    debbie560 likes this.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bethy_boo View Post
    My Ffion was in heat just over a week ago. She's 10months old. She was unbelievable, I have had moggies in heat before but they were never like her. She was yowling and restless 24/7. Trying to get out constantly, and being very aggressive to poor Poif. Shall be nipping her to the vets soon to get that sorted. They originally advised that I wait until the kittens are 1 year, but I am not going through that again. It was horrendous. She stopped after about 5 days thank goodness!

    I feel your pain!

    Seraphina is one for 2 weeks then off for a couple of days then on again....

    She has now had 4 pills.... and is still calling, The other cats are sick of her... she is contsantly shoving her but in their faces.. Faria has given her a few hard smacks... but 5 minutes later she is back butt in face!!

    I met a German breeder yesterday to pick up a cat from her for someone else, we have met now twice before and she said if she carrys on and your want her mating to send her to her home... and I can use on of her boys....

    Wonder if cat can be shipped DHL.... lol......... ONLY Joking ...But I will be so glad when she stops!!

  8. #8
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    Removed .......
    Last edited by catslave; 5th March 2012 at 02:56 AM.




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