toe biting
Cleo loves toes especially my hubby's :rofl:She will grab his lower leg and go in for the kill on his toes!!!!The other day we both had our feet on the coffee table and she was there sniffing each of our feet and then she started licking my toes :LOL:. The other morning she decided to wake me by diving under the duvet to bite my bottom :suprised:Ahhhh Bless.... Does anyone else's MC do this????
Yes, well my 7 month old MC wakes me up first by the
Usual headbutting. He then moves on to slobbering on me
,pulling my hair then finally, if I still try to stay asleep ( well more
Pretending by this point lol!) He nips my nose! Oh and he
Still sucks my pyjamas like he did when he was little : )
Wouldnt have him any other way! They are so like dogs in
These behaviours.
Whiskey will bite your toes to wake you if he feels you've been sleeping long enough. He also loves to bite your face whenever he can get the chance. His bites hurt, but we wouldn't trade him for the world. He also does stealth bites where he hides around the corner and then jumps up at your face to bite your nose, ear, cheeks, whatever he can bite, and runs away quickly as though it wasn't him. Hmmm just wonder what bit us.
Louie my white guy will go after my toes, so I have to keep totally still in bed. He'll grab them over the duvet even if I so much as wiggle a toe. Merlin my red gives me the most delicious back massages. His paws are huge and it's like he's been trained as a masseuse, he lies behind me and presses hard up and down my back without claws digging in, don't know how he keeps from scratching me... it's a great way to fall asleep or to be woke up in the morning.
My torbie girl Tatja is a toe biter... but only when I am in bed! When I walk around the house barefoot she is not interested. But once my feet are under the duvet she tries to "catch" them, lol. Silly girl.
I'm sat here chuckling at all the replies. I wouldn't trade my girl for the world. I was never a morning person but now I don't have a choice :rofl:
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