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Thread: I'm Back!!!!

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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Aylsham, Norfolk
    Thanked 78 Times in 72 Posts

    I'm Back!!!!

    I have stayed off this Forum for a while due to issues with a couple of members but have now worked out how to block them so am back!! Thank you to those who joined my facebook group Maine Coon Addicts Anonymous (new members are welcome) So ....... what have I missed??? For those that don't know Buddy has had a growth spurt and continues to keep me awake with his snoring. Fudge my non MC has discovered raw food and now beats Buddy to the food and he also snores. They have taken while to make friends but are seriously ganging up on me now.

    I have decided not to get another kitten due to a change in personal circumstances so have opened my home up to cat rescue and we had a first coonie cross pass through a couple of weeks ago, dumped, matted, underweight, named after one of Jackie's cat, raided the food stash and realised I should have named him after one of her others but homed and loved.

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