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Thread: My Coonie does this really strange thing....

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    My Coonie does this really strange thing....

    Maybe you wonderful people can give some insight to what my Buddy does. Whenever I get home he always greets me by standing in front of me putting his front paws on my thighs stopping me in my tracks, forcing me to pay attention to him before I take another step......thats normal. Now, once in awhile, when i pick him up he will slide his way over my shoulder onto my back forcing me to bend over. Now thats normal too, but once he gets onto my back he will put his hind legs on either side of the back of my head and rub his face ALL OVER my back, clawing (like hes batting a toy across the floor), sucking and licking on my shirt, biting playfully (not hard) just nipping at different spots on my back and will continue to do this for 5 or 10 minutes. Any ideas on why? Is it just a display of affection? Thanks guys.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My Coonie does this really strange thing....-buddy4.jpg   My Coonie does this really strange thing....-buddy3.jpg  
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  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    They certainly have their way of showing how much they love us. My red MC, Merlin gives me back massages, when I'm lying on my side in bed he lies behind me and massages my back, his paws are so huge that it feels like hands. LOL He doesn't just do one spot, it's like he's a trained masseuse and does my whole back and even pressing on my pressure points and spots that are sore. How does he know? :D
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  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Im just wondering if its normal affection or if its like I literally cannot go anywhere without Buddy right at my feet and when I leave the house my fiancee says he sits at the door and cries. I love him to death and would not trade him for the world, Ive just never had a kitty love this much.

  4. #4
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    Larry does a similar thing. He never misses a chance to jump onto my back, where he will sit down and playfully paw at or nip my clothes or my hair, depending on which way he is facing! It's just his little joke. Sometimes it's quite difficult to tip him off, so I find I'm walking around the house bent double with 7kgs of cheeky coonie on my back. The only certain way to tip him off is if I crouch right down on the floor, because then he's not all high up so I've spoiled his fun.

  5. #5
    Cool Cat
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    Feel a bit embarrassed sharing this, but often when I'm curled up in bed Poif will climb in under the covers, she buries her head in my tummy and kneads like I'm a giant mummy cat and she's feeding off me. I'm usually too tired to do anything about it, so it's become a ritual of hers.

    I am almost certainly a mad cat lady!!

  6. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethy_boo View Post
    Feel a bit embarrassed sharing this, but often when I'm curled up in bed Poif will climb in under the covers, she buries her head in my tummy and kneads like I'm a giant mummy cat and she's feeding off me. I'm usually too tired to do anything about it, so it's become a ritual of hers.

    I am almost certainly a mad cat lady!!
    awww don't be embarrassed, that is so sweet. My last tabby cat did this to me, but on the couch and the funniest thing is he always did this during my monthly when my cramps were at their worst. He would press on my tummy, all 14 lbs of him and the cramps would go away. It was the most amazing thing and I always wondered how he knew this.
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