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Thread: Breeder Referral

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  1. #1
    Active Cat
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Mission, BC, Canada
    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Breeder Referral

    Can anyone on this board give me a referral for a Canadian breeder. We are considering getting a kitten and want to purchase from Canada preferably. Our boy red tabby Dexter came from an Ontario breeder, we love him to bits and would get a kitten from her again but she dosent usually gets silver tabby which is now the hubby's favorite... Since I managed to convince him on getting number 2 I would love to let him pick the kitten

    We are located in Vancouver BC, where there is no local breeder sadly. So we need to have our kitten shipped.

    Any ideas ?

    Thank you




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